Cyril and Methodius' Day celebrated in Czech Republic

Cyril and Methodius

Czechs on July 5th celebrate St. Cyril and St. Methodius day, in honour of these two Byzantine-era missionaries who were not only the fathers of early Slavonic literary culture, but whose mission was misused for political dominance in Central Europe. Some 1100 years after their mission, what is the legacy of these two important characters in Czech history?

Cyril and Methodius
Czechs on July 5th celebrate St. Cyril and St. Methodius day, in honour of these two Byzantine-era missionaries who were not only the fathers of early Slavonic literary culture, but whose mission was misused for political dominance in Central Europe. Some 1100 years after their mission, what is the legacy of these two important characters in Czech history? Vladimir Tax has this special report.