ANO party wins resounding victory in regional elections, Pirates suffer humiliating defeat

The opposition ANO party of former prime minister Andrej Babiš has won a resounding victory in the regional elections, winning in 10 out of 13 regions where voting took place. It secured altogether 292 seats on regional councils.

The ruling Civic Democrats secured 106 seats, the Mayors and Independents got 73. The Christian Democrats won 49 seats, the opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy Party got 32 and TOP 09 won 16 seats. Twenty regional seats went to the Mayors for Liberec, who are affiliated with the Mayors and Independents at the national level.

The Pirate Party of the ruling coalition took a beating, gaining a mere three seats on regional councils.

Among the parties outside of the Chamber of Deputies, the Communist Party secured 32 seats on regional councils, the Social Democrats won 13 and regional grouping PRO seven.

Compared to the election results four years ago, ANO gained the most, winning an additional 114 regional representatives. The Communist Party gained an additional 19 seats, while the Civic Democrats got 7 more.