A Czech dissident’s journey to diplomacy: new episode of Czechast with Martin Palouš

Martin Palouš

Explore the life of Martin Palouš, a dissident and diplomat whose story reflects Czechia’s journey from communism to democracy in this special two-part Czechast episode.

The newest episode of Czechast delves into the remarkable life of Martin Palouš – a key figure in the Czech dissent movement and one of the architects of the country’s democratic transition. Recorded just before Christmas in Palouš’s Prague apartment beneath Petřín Hill, the interview covers his memories as a dissident in the 1970s, his role in the Velvet Revolution, and his later work as a diplomat.

Martin Palouš | Photo: René Volfík,  iROZHLAS.cz

The conversation, originally planned for 45 minutes, stretched into a compelling and deeply personal two-part episode. Palouš shares insights into the forces that shaped his identity and the broader evolution of Czech society, offering listeners a rare glimpse into the human stories behind pivotal historical events.

With minimal edits and added context for international audiences, this episode provides an intimate portrait of a man whose life reflects the resilience and complexity of Czech history.

Author: Vít Pohanka
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  • Czechast

    Czechast is a regular RPI podcast about Czech and Moravian culture, history, and economy.