What people want for Christmas: bigger breasts and longer hair

Santa's on his way and this year he's having to make many a stop over at private clinics to pick up gift certificates for bigger breasts, longer hair or liposuction treatments. The things people want for Christmas follow western trends and while five years ago the ultimate gift was a holiday in the Caribbean, now people want a gorgeous new body to take there.

Just a few years ago having cosmetic surgery was not something that people seriously considered. It was widely seen as the reserve of the rich and famous and something that cost the earth. Although few Czech VIPs are prepared to admit they've had cosmetic surgery Czechs are seeing the results and they clearly like what they see. In recent years private clinics have spread the word and brought down the price. As a result more and more Czechs have come to feel that, expensive as it is, their dream of bigger breasts, longer hair or slimmer thighs is now within reach. An opinion survey indicates that one in six women are seriously considering cosmetic surgery, predominantly breast enlargement, liposuction treatment and eyelid surgery. One in a hundred men are seriously considering liposuction, eyelid surgery or a hair transplant.

Many of them are likely to find gift certificates under their Christmas tree this year. Private clinics say they have issued many such certificates to both men and women. "There is a money back guarantee if the given operation proves unsuitable or presents a health risk, but we expect that most of the certificates will be used," the head of one clinic says. The interest is such that there are waiting lists for certain types of surgery. Although clinics generally warmly welcome the idea of people giving surprise certificates to their nearest and dearest, they are warning people to give the matter serious thought before coming to a decision, and primarily for the recipient to want to undergo treatment out of their own free will. Some men come to the clinic for a certificate because they know their wives or girlfriends really want the treatment, but clinics say they've had cases where a man asks for a complete body makeover for his wife, explaining that the idea is to bring her in as a surprise and take home a new model. Well, that's about as far from the Christmas spirit as you can get and I'm happy to say that Santa draws the line at that.