Foreign visitors flock to Czech Republic
The Czech Republic saw a record number of foreign visitors this year. According to the data released by the state-run tourist authority, CzechTourism, a record 21.1…
Letter from Loket
Loket is a rather extraordinary historic village situated along a meandering section of the Ohře river not far from Karlovy Vary. Its name translates as “elbow” (or…
Aldabra: Wildlife adventure in 3-D on an Indian Ocean atoll
You’ve probably never heard of Aldabra, an atoll in the Indian Ocean some 1,000 kilometres away from the Seychelles’ Mahé. Reportedly, the last filmmaker to shoot there…
Czech Foreign Ministry not revising its travel advice for Egypt, but advising heightened caution
U.S. intelligence reports that the crash of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula was most likely caused by a bomb have shocked the international community…
My Prague – Marek Hovorka
Marek Hovorka is only based part-time in Prague. The rest of the time he lives in his hometown of Jihlava, where he has been running the Czech Republic’s most important…
Chess players match wits on five-day train journey
For the fifth year in a row, the Prague Czech Chess Association, in cooperation with Czech Railways, is organising a rather unusual international chess tournament. It…
Czech food often tastier than visitors expect, says Lenka Pavlíčková of Eat With Locals
Tour company Eat With Locals allows visitors to Prague to do just that, taking them to restaurants and cafés they might never find on their own and giving them the lowdown…
Letter from the Czech Forest
The Czech Forest – or Český Les – is a thick band of pine forests traversing the entire south-western side of the Czech Republic. Unlike the tourist draws of the Krkonoše…
Agro-tourism slowly taking root in Czech Republic
Selling the concept of agro-tourism to a nation of country cottage lovers who spend most of their weekends in the country is not an easy task, but slowly it is taking root…
Cars survived but are in poor shape, says Trabant expedition leader Dan Přibáň
Members of a Czech-led expedition traveling in Fiats, Jawa motorcycles, and Trabants across Australia and Southeast Asia, have returned to Prague. In the past, the team…
My Prague – Adrian T. Bell
The frontman of Prague band The Prostitutes, Adrian T. Bell this year picked up the Apollo critic’s award for best Czech LP of the year for his solo debut, Different World…
Czech enthusiasts help boost tourism in remote Albanian village
A group of adventure lovers from the Czech Republic has launched a project to boost tourism in a remote village in northern Albania. Around one hundred volunteers…
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