Son of Vrbětice victim blames president Zeman for spreading false news

The son of one of the two victims of the 2014 blast in the Vrbětice munitions depot, blamed on Russian agents, has written an open letter to Czech President Miloš Zeman, accusing him of spreading "inaccurate information" about who was responsible for the tragedy.

Mr Zeman said there was no conclusive evidence to accuse Russia and suggested that it could have been caused by bad handling of the munitions. However, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš says the country’s security services have clear evidence that the Russian military intelligence GRU was involved in the deadly explosion.

Lawyer Ondřej Havránek, whose father worked at the munitions depot in Vrbětice, said he was offended by the fact that the head of state was "a source of obviously false and incorrect news.”

Author: Ruth Fraňková