Opposition dub Russian involvement in explosion state terrorism

Opposition figures in the Czech Republic have described suspected Russian involvement in an explosion at a munitions depot in Moravia as an act of Russian terrorism on Czech territory and have called on Prime Minister Andrej Babiš to raise the matter at the European Union and NATO.

On Saturday night Mr. Babiš said the country’s security services had evidence that officers of the Russian foreign military intelligence agency the GRU were involved in a massive explosion at a munitions depot in Vrbětice in 2014 that left two people dead.

The head of the Christian Democrats, Marian Jurečka, said the incident could only be described as an act of aggression and state terrorism.

Stanislav Polčák, an MEP with the Mayors & Independents said after the invasion of 1968 it was a new act of Russian state terrorism on Czech territory.

Petr Fiala of the opposition Civic Democrats said the matter should be debated in the Chamber of Deputies, perhaps at a special session.

Author: Ian Willoughby