Radio Prague's Monthly Quiz

Vítězslava Kaprálová

Test your knowledge of things Czech!

On the first day of the month Radio Prague will announce the month’s quiz question on this site. At the end of every month we will draw six winners from the correct answers received. Join our contest and win a Radio Prague prize! Answers should be sent to [email protected] by the end of the month.

The winners will be featured on this site.

Question for February

100 years ago, on February 12th 1925, Czechoslovak Radio carried out the first live broadcast of an opera outside of a studio. The opera was The Two Widows at the National Theatre in Prague. Which Czech composer composed this opera?

Question for January

110 years ago, Czech composer and conductor Vítězslava Kaprálová was born in Brno. What piece of hers did we present in last year's video series Czech Music Greats with Lukáš Hurník?

April Preludes (created in the spring of 1937).


  • Hari Madugula - India

  • Michael Wickenkamp - Germany

  • Imene Bahri - Tunisia

  • Denis Dumoulin - Switzerland

  • Kanwar Sandhu - Canada

  • Jiří Manďák - Czech republic

  • Monthly Quiz
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