Radio Prague's Monthly Quiz

Bedřich Smetana

Test your knowledge of things Czech!

On the first day of the month Radio Prague will announce the month’s quiz question on this site. At the end of every month we will draw six winners from the correct answers received. Join our contest and win a Radio Prague prize! Answers should be sent to [email protected] by the end of the month.

The winners will be featured on this site.

Question for April

Election campaigns for the 2024 European Union parliamentary elections are already in full swing in Czechia. How many countries joined the EU during its enlargement in 2004?

Question for March

The Year of Czech Music marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of composer Bedřich Smetana. In the course of his life Smetana composed eight operas, which was the first?

Braniboři v Čechách (composed in 1862-63, relates to events in Bohemia after the death of Přemysl Otakar II).


  • Patrick Travers, Great Britain
  • Jaroslava Deršáková, Czechia
  • Marie Bozok, France
  • Hugo Longhi, Argentina
  • Christiane Hollaender, Germany
  • Michal Rygol, Poland
  • Monthly Quiz
