Radio Prague's Monthly Quiz

Telč across the Ulický pond with the towers of the churches of St. James the Elder and the Name of Jesus

Test your knowledge of things Czech!

On the first day of the month Radio Prague will announce the month’s quiz question on this site. At the end of every month we will draw six winners from the correct answers received. Join our contest and win a Radio Prague prize! Answers should be sent to [email protected] by the end of the month.

The winners will be featured on this site.

Question for January

The renowned Czech writer Jaroslav Hašek died a century ago. What is the name of the village where the author of the famous novel The Good Soldier Švejk spent the last years of his life?

Question for December

30 years ago, on 14.12.1992, the historic centres of three Czech cities were included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. Which was the third city after Prague and Český Krumlov?

The correct answer for December

Telč (a town situated 30km from the Austrian border, offering visitors squares lined with Gothic and Renaissance merchants’ houses with arcades and richly decorated gables).


  • Oscar Castillo Cabrera, Peru

  • Holger Wagner, Germany

  • Tiina Tiisler, Estonia

  • Dahmani Rachid, Algeria

  • Hiroshi Katayama, Japan

  • Susanne Kulhawy, Germany

  • Monthly Quiz
