Radio Prague issues new series of QSL cards for 2007
As we do every year, Radio Prague has issued a brand new series of QSL cards to be sent out to our listeners in exchange for their reception reports. Some of you probably received the special QSL card we issued last year for the 70th anniversary of Radio Prague, and many of you have the complete collections from recent years or going even further back.
"Well, 'QSL' is an abbreviation from the international telegraphy. It basically means 'reception confirmed' or 'contact confirmed'. Overall, QSL cards are used as a tool to let the listeners, or the audience, know that we have received their report or letter. It is the reports that especially the DX listeners write to us to let us know how the Radio Prague signal is heard all over the world."
Every year, Radio Prague issues a series of these cards. How many are there and what is the topic this year?"Well, Radio Prague usually issues a series of eight different pictures, always with one topic. Some radios issue just one card, one picture, some issue three, most radios, I would say issue eight. That's the case of Radio Prague, too. Every summer, myself, the editor-in-chief of Radio Prague and the secretaries sit down and discuss the topic for the next year. And last year we selected observation towers, Czech observation towers.
"Czech, or formally, Czechoslovak watchtowers are very nice pieces of architecture, so we thought the audience might appreciate that and also we tried to demonstrate these places or monuments of the Czech Republic and tell our listeners, hey, they are very nice places to visit, if you happen to come to the Czech Republic it might be interesting for you to visit these places and enjoy them."Those of you who have visited Prague may also have climbed the Petrin Lookout Tower, the sort-of miniature Eiffel Tower on a hill not far from Prague Castle. This tower, too, features on Radio Prague's QSL cards this year. So please keep those reception reports coming and we'll be happy to send you our brand new collection of QSL cards in return. The addresses for your reception reports to Radio Prague, 12099 Prague or