Radio Prague - 65 years old

Well today, August 31st, marks Radio Prague's 65th birthday - and the anniversary is an opportunity not only to look back at the past, but also look to its present position in the media world as well as its perspectives for the future. So, how does the station's director, Miroslav Krupicka see Radio Prague today? Olga Szantova spoke with him to find out.

Miroslav Krupicka  (standing on left),  director of Radio Prague
"Radio Prague is a medium-sized international broadcaster now. We are one channel of Czech public radio, and I think that after a shaky period in the early 90s, our position is now stable, or solid. We have survived those uncertain times. I think we are quite a modern and well working broadcaster. We use various technologies, of course as media we are still using shortwave, that's the basic medium that we use, internet, satellite system, and so on. We are looking into new technologies, such as Digital Radio Mondial, because Am and shortwaves are going to be digitised soon.

"Shortwave broadcasting, which used to be the only way of transmitting our programmes, is now only one of many systems. Some listeners are worried that shortwave could be discontinued altogether.

"As long as we exist, we will be using short-wave, because in the near future there is no alternative, no sensible alternative to short-wave broadcasting as far as international broadcasting is concerned. Shortwave is the main medium that we use."

We asked Miroslav what the long term future of Radio Prague was.

"I have to say that I see the future of Radio Prague, of such a medium size international broadcaster in international co-operation, or maybe co-production. We are a part of World Radio Network. It's a British international company that re-broadcasts parts of our programs in English, French, German and so on, and it, in a way, unites us with other broadcasters, at least European and sometimes international broadcasters, and that's, I think, where we are going to in the future. We won't be able to survive on our own, we have to co-operate, unite, and maybe form regional, or rather international groupings, or big size organisations that are going to be a part of the information highway."

Will that eventually mean the end of Radio Prague?

"No, no. I think we'll always have a role to play. We've got interesting history, interesting culture, a place in Europe, so a small voice will always be a part of this international organism in the future and we'll always be a part of Europe."

Author: Olga Szantová
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