Press Review

"The Temelin nuclear power plant will be launched in just a few days," reads the title of an article on the front page of today's LIDOVE NOVINY. The paper reports on Wednesday's meeting of several Czech and Austrian MPs in Temelin. The meeting did not start off well as the Austrians complained that they had not been given access to the containment area of the nuclear plant. An MP for the Austrian Green Party also complained that the plant's employees had started warming up the water inside the reactor at 5 in the morning and had not even waited until the meeting had ended. The two countries' delegations sat at the negotiating table till late in the evening, but it was quite clear that they would not agree on a single issue concerning the Temelin nuclear power plant. Austria has repeatedly appealed to the Czech Cabinet to take "time for contemplation" so as to find out exactly what impact the plant could have on the environment, writes LIDOVE NOVINY.

PRAVO reports on a government decision made on Wednesday regarding the free movement of the Czech police to cross it's borders into neighbouring countries in order to catch criminals. The same would apply to police working in the neighbouring countries. The paper says such an agreement has already been signed between the Czech Republic and Germany, allowing police from both countries to work 30 kilometres inside each other's borders. The new rule could help a great deal in clamping down on the trafficking of people across international borders. Minister of Interior Stanislav Gross told PRAVO that it would also be in accord with EU border regimes.

"Dissatisfaction with the Prime Minister's behaviour has been spreading within his party," says MLADA FRONTA DNES. According to the paper the Social Democratic Party is finding itself at a crossroads--either the party will continue to follow the offensive non-inclusive policy of Prime Minister Milos Zeman or there will be a growing number of party members who will eventually reject Zeman's policy and call for more open and inclusive politics. It seems that dissatisfaction with Zeman has reached its peak, says the paper, but everybody within the party has been trying to conceal this fact as it would damage the party with senatorial elections approaching, scheduled for November.

HOSPODARSKE NOVINY today ponders the fact that earning a wage has become an integral part of student life. Many students choose to work while studying at university, although the majority of them come from a satisfactorily well-off financial background, the paper writes. The paper notes that when young people choose their university, they do so with an eye on the available labour market. Students say that their studies cost a lot, but on the other hand they enjoy the many special students' rates--that is, reduced prices on public transport, reduced admission to cultural events etc. Their incomes range according to the work the students have chosen but can be as high as 15 thousand crowns, that's 375 dollars a month, but above the national average wage.