Prague Castle’s Gate of the Giants closes for seven weeks

Prague Castle’s Gate of the Giants closed on Monday for the next seven weeks so that the bollards between the entrance posts, which the Castle says are nearing the end of their useful life, can be replaced. The main entrance to Prague Castle, which is recognisable for its pillars with statues of fighting giants on top, will re-open in the last week of August. In the meantime, visitors can exit the Castle via the southern side gate in the first courtyard to get to Hradčanské náměstí, the main square in front of the Castle grounds.

The Castle Guard will also temporarily not be posted at the Gate of the Giants during this time nor will the changing of the guard ceremony take place in the first castle courtyard. Instead, every day from 12:00 to 12:15, members of the Castle Guard Orchestra will perform.

Author: Anna Fodor