Population grows by thirty-nine thousand in first six months of this year
According to statistics released by the Czech Statistical Office on Thursday, the population of the Czech Republic grew by 38,800 in the first 6 months of this year. This brings the population of the Czech Republic ever closer to the 10.5 million mark. Births were up, year-on-year by 3,700, with a total of 56 thousand children being born in the first 6 months of this year. And the population was also bolstered by an upturn in the amount of foreigners settling in the country. From January to the end of June, some 34,300 foreign nationals moved to the Czech Republic, which is almost double the number of arrivals for the first half of 2006. Two fifths of the new-arrivals were of Ukrainian nationality, with a large number of Slovaks and Vietnamese also making up the numbers.