Regional Prosperity Index: Best living conditions in Czechia are in Turnov, worst in Podbořany
The best living conditions in Czechia are in Turnov, followed by Luhačovice and Nové Město na Moravě, according to the Regional Prosperity Index of Česká spořitelna and the Europe in Data platform, which was presented to journalists on Tuesday. The lowest conditions are in the Karlovy Vary, Ústí nad Labem and Moravian-Silesian Regions, which are struggling with the outflow of educated people and lower life expectancy. The worst rating out of 206 Czech micro-regions was given to Podbořany in the Ústí nad Labem region, followed by Bílina and Karviná.
The index monitors seven key areas, from the economy and demography to education, healthcare and civic amenities. This includes, for example, the availability of public transport, vending machines, shops and the Internet. The north-Bohemian town of Turnov received a very good rating in all monitored areas except for the availability of healthcare. Prague dominated the top spots in a number of measured parameters, ultimately ranking twenty-third. The Czech capital’s rating was lowered by higher crime and poorer accessibility of schools. Prague is also suffering from the outflow of young people, mainly due to high housing costs.