Low voter turnout in flood-hit areas on the first day of elections

In the flood-affected Jesenicko region, voter turnout has been sporadic on Friday, with many residents voting only in the evening after finishing cleanup efforts at home. In Kobylá nad Vidnavkou, just 5% of voters had cast their ballots by 8 p.m., while nearby Velká Kraš saw 6%. In Bělá pod Pradědem, participation ranged from 8% to 12%, significantly lower than the 30% turnout in these areas four years ago. Opava, also severely impacted by floods, recorded around 20% voter turnout, while districts where polling stations were relocated saw only 10%. In Bohumín, Karviná, and other affected towns, participation ranged from 13% to 16%, with no full data available for the entire region due to the floods.

Author: Vít Pohanka