Bill Clinton awarded Order of T.G. Masaryk

Former US President Bill Clinton has been awarded the Order of T.G. Masaryk for promoting democracy, stability and security in Central and Eastern Europe. Mr. Clinton received the award from President Petr Pavel at a special ceremony at Prague Castle on Tuesday.

Bill Clinton already holds the highest Czech state distinction, the Order of the White Lion, which he received in 1998 from then Czech president Vaclav Havel for having assisted the country’s admission to the Western fold of nations and significantly increased its security.

The Order of T. G. Masaryk is awarded to people who have made outstanding contributions to the development of democracy, humanity and human rights or to foreign nationals who have contributed to fostering good relations with the country. Among the foreign nationals who received the award are the former Irish president Mary Robinson, former US foreign policy adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, and former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger.