Total cost of F-35 fighter jets will be CZK 322 billion

The Czech government approved the purchase of 24 US-made F-35 aircraft on Wednesday, which Defence Minister Jana Černochová said would cost a total of CZK 150 billion, including all expenses related to beginning operations. However, the total cost for the entire life cycle of the fighter jets will be significantly higher than that, daily newspapers Mladá fronta Dnes and Právo reported on Friday, with the defence ministry estimating the total cost for the acquisition and operation of the jets until the end of their useful service life in 2069 at CZK 322 billion.

The first of the fighter jets will be ready in 2029 and all 24 will be in the country by 2035. The purchase will be the biggest defence contract ever signed by Czechia.

Author: Anna Fodor