Govt. earmarks billions for Terezín, second fortress town

The Czech government has approved a plan to renovate and develop the fortress towns of Terezín in the Ústí nad Labem Region and Josefov in East Bohemia. In the coming five years up to CZK 1.7 billion will be invested in saving the most derelict buildings in the towns, while another CZK 1.2 billion will go into development between 2024 and 2033. The decision was announced by the minister of regional development, Ivan Bartoš, and the arts minister, Martin Baxa.

Terezín and Josefov were built in the 18th century by Emperor Joseph II as a defence against invasions from Prussia. During World War II, the former, known as Theresienstadt in German, became a symbol of persecution and genocide when the Nazis set up a Gestapo prison and Jewish ghetto there.

Author: Ian Willoughby