Former political prisoner Miluška Havlůjová has died at 93

Former political prisoner Miluška Havlůjová has died at the age of 93, the organisation Post Bellum, which collects 20th century oral history recordings, informed on Friday.

Havlůjová was born in May 1929 in the small village of Dušníky near Prague. After the communist putsch in 1948, her family’s sawmill was confiscated and her father ended up in prison.

She was arrested in 1953 and sentenced to five years behind bars for attempted sedition against the Republic and spying, in spite of having an 18-month-old son.

After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, she became involved in politics by joining the Civic Forum. In 1992, she became mayor of Rudná u Prahy, a position she held until 1998.

Author: Ruth Fraňková