Czech cross-border workers can take COVID-19 test on Bavarian border as of Monday

Cross-border workers who have to travel from Czechia to Germany will have the opportunity to get themselves tested on the Bayerisch Eisenstein (Bavorská Železná Ruda) crossing starting Monday, Simona Fink from the Regional Office in Regen told the Czech News Agency on Sunday. The regional office, which is part of the administration of Lower Bavaria, is financing the project.

According to Ms. Fink, the local authorities decided to implement the testing opportunity in order to ease the already overworked Czech testing stations.

Germany placed the Czech Republic on its list of coronavirus-risk states at the end of September. A two-week quarantine period is therefore required for Czechs who enter any of Germany’s federal states, unless the person tests negative for the virus. However, Czech cross-border workers are exempt from this rule by the Bavarian government, if they can prove that they are employed in Germany.