Expats Bulletin

Photo: Dr.K., CC 3.0

It is time to get a proper shave and so I journeyed to Thomas’s Barber Shop which can be found on the street Navrátilova near Charle’s Square, but also in the shopping centre Černá Růže or Black Rose and at Anděl in the street Stroupežnického. There we talked about the different procedures and techniques used during shaving. You can listen to the second part of the interview the following day.

Photo: Dr.K.,  CC 3.0
It is time to get a proper shave and so I journeyed to Thomas’s Barber Shop which can be found on the street Navrátilova near Charle’s Square, but also in the shopping centre Černá Růže or Black Rose and at Anděl in the street Stroupežnického. There we talked about the different procedures and techniques used during shaving. You can listen to the second part of the interview the following day.