2013 – 96th Segment: “Trip”
In this series we present 100 songs which have gone down in the history of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. On Czech Radio’s web pages you can find a poll, in which you can vote for the best hit from the past century. We continue with the year 2013.
On January 1st, the President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus, declared partial amnesty in his New Year’s speech.
On March 8th, the first directly elected head of state, Miloš Zeman, became President of the Czech Republic.
On June 17th, Prime Minister Petr Nečas resigned as the head of the Civic Democratic Party.
From October 25th to the 26th, elections were held in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The Czech Social Democratic Party won.
The hit song “Trip” was released in 2013 by the band Kryštof. It was sung by the band’s frontman, Richard Krajčo, and featured the Czech Nightingale Award winner Tomáš Klus. The six minute song was released on Kryštof’s album, and it was soon accompanied by a music video featuring scenes from the film “Wings of Christmas,” in which the song is played.
The hit was played on many radio stations, in discos, at singing contests and even around traditional Czech campfires.