Miloslav Simek 1940 - 2004
The Czech Republic lost one of its most popular humorists on Monday when Miloslav Simek succumbed to leukaemia. This year the well-known actor / comedian whose career spanned forty years, would have turned 64. Active until just before his death Mr Simek had planned to tour several towns in the Czech Republic to stage and pre-tape episodes of 'Politicke haraseni', the popular satirical programme he hosted with comedic partner Zuzana Bubilkova at TV Nova. The expression Politicke haraseni could be loosely translated as Political Harassment but Political "Rumblings" might also apply. Pointing barbed but good-humoured criticism at political developments of the day - the programme had a deep impact on popular culture for years.
Mr Simek's death came as an unexpected shock and leaves questions over who will now run the theatre he founded, named after his partner Jiri Grossmann who also died of leukaemia in 1971. Policticke haraseni will understandably now come to an end, with a final "Best of" broadcast on Saturday, February 21st. Still, it is more than likely fans will be given ample opportunity to rediscover the comedian's body of work, spanning from his years at one of Prague's most important theatres in the 60s, Divadlo Semafor, to the Jiri Grossman Theatre, to acts taped with other funny men like Jiri Krampol for TV. It is also likely Zuzana Bubilkova will continue the work she and Mr Simek had planned, though it is now too early to tell what form that will take.
Czech comedian Miloslav Simek: 1940 - 2004. His humour will be missed and political satire in the Czech Republic won't quite be the same without him.