News of Radio Prague

Policemen given light sentences for attack on Roma man

Human rights groups have criticised a court verdict in Karlovy Vary after three police officers received suspended sentences for an attack on a Roma man. The court found the three guilty of beating up Karel Billy in woods near the city in May 2001 and sentenced them to ten months in prison, suspended for two years. Two other officers involved in the incident were set free. The court ruled the attack was not racially motivated. All three defendants and the state prosecutor appealed against the verdict, which was criticised by the government's human rights commissioner Jan Jarab.

Lower house looks set to ratify NATO enlargement

The lower house of parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, will most likely support the further enlargement of NATO. Preliminary discussions in parliament showed a majority of MPs in favour of enlargement. Even several members of the Communist Party, which opposed Czech NATO membership, said they would vote in favour. NATO is due to expand by seven members - including Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania - in 2004. The move must be ratified by all 19 NATO members including the Czech Republic, which joined the Alliance in 1999.

IOC President Rogge arrives in Prague

The President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Jacques Rogge has arrived in Prague to attend an IOC meeting on where to hold the 2010 Winter Olympics. The candidates are Salzburg, Pyongyang, and Vancouver, and the winning city will be announced on Wednesday, July 2. During his visit to Prague Mr Rogge will meet President Vaclav Klaus, Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla and the Mayor of Prague Pavel Bem.

Police recommend court proceedings against NI footballers

Police have recommended court proceedings against three members of the Northern Ireland football squad who were involved in a brawl in a Prague sex club two years ago. The brawl happened at the Atlas sex club in the centre of Prague following Northern Ireland's 3:1 defeat by the Czech Republic. Eyewitnesses said a fight started when the players were given the bill.

Austrian anti-nuclear activists to blockade border in Temelin protest

Austrian opponents of the Czech Republic's Temelin nuclear power station say they will hold a brief blockade of the Czech-Austrian border on Sunday morning. The blockade will be the latest protest by Austrian anti-nuclear activists against the Czech plant, which they claim is unsafe.

Skoda forced to halt production if German strikes continue

Skoda Auto, the Czech unit of the German car maker Volkswagen, has said it will be forced to halt production of its Octavia car on Wednesday if strikes at German car-parts suppliers continue. A Skoda spokesman was quoted as saying production at another line, which makes the popular Fabia model, could last until Friday. Engineering and steel workers in eastern Germany have been on strike for over three weeks, demanding similar working standards to their western colleagues.


Saturday will be another warm and sunny day, with patches of cloud in places and isolated storms in some parts of the country. Temperatures in the daytime will range from 24 to 28 degrees Celsius, falling at night to lows of 9 degrees.