Next Wave festival offers alternative to traditional theatre

This week Prague plays host to the seventh annual Next Wave theatre festival which is held from the 6th to the 15th of October. Next Wave is a broad-ranging festival encompassing modern dance, spoken word, theatre, circus acts and musical pieces. Pavla Navratilova went to the one of the shows to find out more:

The Next Wave is an international theatre festival with a solid history here in Prague. It is accurately titled: "an annual meeting of theatre, music, dance, literarature, fine arts and other alternative culture." Each year, a variety of performance artists from the Czech Republic and abroad are invited to attend, and include acts that transcend traditional theatre.

A modern dance piece called Happy Hour was performed on Monday evening by the Cerna & Vanek Dance Company from the German city of Bonn. If modern dance isn't your cup of tea, check out ex-Nick Cave bass player Blixa Bargeld performing a spoken-word piece called, amusingly enough, "Speech". Or you could go and see a collection of street performance artists at the Roxy club, in a show called "Juggling and Free Community" which promises, among other things, fire-eating workshops. This year's festival is organized by Happy End Productions, and earlier I talked to executive director Jakub Matejka: And keep an eye out for upcoming events. Next Wave continues right through this week until the 15th of October, and can be found throughout Prague at various venues.

Author: Pavla Navrátilová
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