• 10/03/2024

    The weather will be cloudy to overcast, with rain or showers initially in some areas and later across most of the country. High temperatures from 8 to 12°C.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 10/03/2024

    The Czech Chamber of Deputies continue discussing the government’s pension reform into the night on Thursday, after the coalition extended the parliamentary session but no deal seems to be emerging. This follows Wednesday’s proceedings, which ended at 10 p.m. based on a club agreement. Coalition leaders, like Christian Democrat Aleš Dufek, argue that the extended session will ensure the debate gets the necessary attention. Opposition MPs have dominated the early hours of Thursday's debate with brief speeches, focusing on generational care and maintaining dignified pensions. Labor Minister Marian Jurečka highlighted recent increases in care allowances and defended means-tested birth grants over universal ones.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 10/03/2024

    President Petr Pavel has nominated Dita Řepková from the Regional Court in Brno as a new judge of the Constitutional Court, to replace David Uhlíř, whose term ends in December. This marks Pavel’s 11th nomination to the 15-member court, meaning the court has been two-thirds renewed since he took office. Řepková previously served as an assistant to former Constitutional Court judge Eliška Wagnerová and has worked at the Brno court since 2008. Pavel is expected to nominate two more judges during his term, with Jaromír Jirsa’s term ending in October 2025 and Josef Fiala’s in December 2025.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 10/03/2024

    Scientists from Palacky University in Olomouc have created new-generation antibiotics that are highly effective against a broad range of bacteria and can prevent the development of bacterial resistance. The team transformed manganese, an essential trace element, into a powerful antibiotic by incorporating it into chemically modified graphene. Tests on animal models showed great potential, particularly for local therapies, such as wound healing. The research was conducted by experts from Palacký University, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, and Chinese collaborators. A European patent has been filed for the new material.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 10/03/2024

    More than a third of the expected 500,000 rounds of ammunition, scheduled for delivery by the end of the year under a Czech initiative, has already reached Ukraine, according to Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Zvaryč. In an interview with the Czech Press Agency (ČTK), Zvaryč said he had no information about issues with the ammunition, contrary to recent reports from the German newspaper Handelsblatt. Ukraine is also in talks with the Czech Ministry of Defence to expand the initiative, which sources artillery ammunition for Ukraine from countries both within and outside the EU.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 10/03/2024

    Rectors, along with Education Minister Mikuláš Bek, will formally open the new academic year at a ceremony in Prague's Congress Centre today. Attendees will include university officials, politicians, and representatives from the National Accreditation Office. Speakers will include Eva Zažímalová, head of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Milena Králíčková, rector of Charles University. The event will be followed by a plenary session of the Czech Rectors' Conference, focusing on the future of higher education and university funding.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 10/03/2024

    The government has moved to correct disparities in the financing of the education sector, Education Minister Mikuláš Bek told journalists on Wednesday. The present system gives all schools the same amount of money regardless of how demanding their work is or how good a job they do, he said. The proposed amendment will make it possible to send more money to schools that work with socially disadvantaged children or work systematically with gifted children, Bek said. The proposal also introduces rules for the functioning of school psychologists and assistants for children with special needs in primary schools.

  • 10/03/2024

    The government has approved a framework for the deployment of Czech troops in foreign operations in the next two years, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. According to the proposal, a total of 2,666 Czech soldiers could serve in foreign missions in 2025, and 2,571 a year later. The missions would still need to be approved by Parliament. According to the ministry, the Czech Republic will primarily contribute to further strengthening NATO's eastern wing, which the alliance has been bolstering since the start of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. The plans include maintaining the Czech presence in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia and envisages Czech participation in missions in Estonia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.

  • 10/03/2024

    Government and union representatives meet on Thursday to negotiate wage increases for public sector employees. Unions are seeking an 8% overall budget increase and a 10% rise in base salaries from January. The government, led by Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura (Civic Democratic Party), has proposed a 5% increase, which is included in the draft state budget. Talks were delayed due to recent floods. Unions want most of the increase directed to base salaries, while ministers suggest some funds should go toward performance-based bonuses, with more focus on lower-wage workers.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 10/03/2024

    Lawmakers will continue debating the contentious pension reform today, where they can propose amendments. The special session also includes a bill to raise radio and television fees and expand the pool of payers, though it is unclear if it will reach its second reading.

    On Wednesday, after 13 hours of debate, the broader pension changes remained unresolved, with opposition criticism and obstructive speeches dominating the discussion. The Social Affairs Committee had previously recommended approving the reform, which includes raising the retirement age incrementally, while the opposition insists on maintaining the current retirement age of 65.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
