• 10/26/2006

    The Czech state-controlled carrier Czech Airlines says it carried 4.2 million passengers in the first nine months of the year, a 5-percent rise compared with the same period in 2005. The airline said the increase was largely due to highter demand on routes to Eastern Europe. CSA reported a loss of 773 million crowns (27.3 million euros, 34.3 million dollars) in the first half of the year compared with 533 million koruna in the same period a year earlier. The company is implementing a plan to break even by 2008 that includes the sale of none-core assets such as its catering division and Prague cargo terminal.

  • 10/26/2006

    The government on Wednesday approved the sale of the state-owned plane manufacturer Aero Vodochody to the investment group Penta for the price of 2.91 billion crowns. The second highest bid by the consortium PPF and JT was 1,2 billion crowns lower. Penta sees Aero's main potential in cooperating with leading world producers of aircraft and aircraft parts. It now has three restructuring priorities: development and production of aircraft and components within broader cooperation projects, construction of airport Vodochody and cooperation with the Czech army.

  • 10/26/2006

    Monaco striker Jan Koller is out for up to two months after injuring the same right hamstring that sidelined him during the World Cup finals this summer, the Czech daily Sport reports. The 33-year-old Czech international record scorer hurt his leg during Monaco's defeat on penalties to Stade de Reims in a French League Cup match on Tuesday. The 2.04-metre (6ft 7in) tall striker moved to Monaco on a free transfer from Borussia Dortmund over the summer after recovering from a serious knee injury he incurred last September. He has since scored once in 11 appearances for his new club.

  • 10/25/2006

    Deputy Michal Pohanka has unexpectedly left the ranks of the Social Democratic Party and has withdrawn from the Social Democrat deputies' group in the lower house. The group's chairman Michal Hasek says he was informed about Mr. Pohanka's decision in writing on Wednesday morning. There is no indication that Michal Pohanka is planning to resign as MP and there is now speculation as to whether the Social Democrats are losing one vote with his departure from the party. Every vote now plays a decisive role in the 200 seat lower house which is split down the middle with the right and left parties having 100 votes each. The Czech Republic has been without a stable government since elections in June.

    In response to the news the Civic Democratic Party issued a statement on Wednesday saying that whatever Mr. Pohanka's reasons for leaving the party they did not intend to exploit the situation. "The Civic Democrats have no intention of forming a government which would have to rely on one turncoat" the party's deputy chairman Petr Necas told the media.

  • 10/25/2006

    Interior Minister Ivan Langer has sent his family abroad for fear of their safety after receiving anonymous threats which the police classified as "very serious". One of the anonymous letters said the interior minister's family home in Olomouc would be blown up. The minister himself is getting heightened protection until the case has been resolved. One of the theories is that the threats could be connected with a recent leak of information from police files, which the Social Democrats claim to have damaged their chances in the elections.

  • 10/25/2006

    The lower house on Wednesday rejected the Communist Party's proposal that a referendum should decide about the possibility of hosting a US missile base on Czech territory. The Communist Party said the bill would be re-drafted in line with the objections voiced and would be put to the lower house again at the earliest possible date. Although the United States has not yet made a decision on where it would like to station its planned missile base, the Czech Republic is still in the running. Unlike the Social Democrats and Communists, the governing Civic Democrats are not opposed to having a US missile base on Czech territory. On the other hand, public opinion polls indicate that the majority of Czechs are not happy about the idea.

  • 10/25/2006

    President Vaclav Klaus on Wednesday met with the speaker of the lower house Miloslav Vlcek, in the last of a series of consultations on forming a new government. As speaker Miloslav Vlcek is legally entitled to pick the third prime minister designate, if two previous attempts to form a government should fail. However, in line with an earlier political agreement, Mr. Vlcek has agreed to forego this right. He reiterated this position following Wednesday's meeting with the president, saying he would resign in the wake of two unsuccessful attempts to form a cabinet. President Klaus is expected to name a new prime minister designate after the second round of Senate elections next weekend.

  • 10/25/2006

    The Civic Democratic Party on Tuesday failed to push through a more lenient form of the road law. The proposed changes evoked heated debate in the lower house with proponents of the law arguing that the strict new norms had saved dozens of lives since July and any step back now would destroy all it had achieved. The Civic Democrats on the other hand believe that the new points system is too strict and opens the door to corruption. In the end there was general agreement that the law should remain in force for some time longer so that its effect could be properly assessed.

  • 10/25/2006

    The Czech international football goalkeeper Petr Cech has been released from hospital, ten days after suffering a fractured skull when an opponent collided with him during a game. The 24-year-old is expected to begin light training with his club Chelsea next week. It will be three months at least before Cech can return to full training.

  • 10/24/2006

    Organised crime groups, influential businessmen, and suspected terrorists are all threatening the country's security, according to a counter-intelligence service (BIS) report. The annual report for 2005 says there is evidence that organised crime groups are trying to influence courts, several entrepreneurs have bribed state employees to gain confidential information, and there is reason to believe that terrorists had planned an attack on the Czech Republic.

    Last year, for example, three Egyptian nationals failed to enter the cockpit on a Czech Airlines flight from Oslo to Prague. The BIS did not view it as a failed hijacking but a move to test flight security for a future terrorist attack. The three men have been deported back to Egypt.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
