Social Democrat MP leaves party ranks

Deputy Michal Pohanka has unexpectedly left the ranks of the Social Democratic Party and has withdrawn from the Social Democrat deputies' group in the lower house. The group's chairman Michal Hasek says he was informed about Mr. Pohanka's decision in writing on Wednesday morning. There is no indication that Michal Pohanka is planning to resign as MP and there is now speculation as to whether the Social Democrats are losing one vote with his departure from the party. Every vote now plays a decisive role in the 200 seat lower house which is split down the middle with the right and left parties having 100 votes each. The Czech Republic has been without a stable government since elections in June.

In response to the news the Civic Democratic Party issued a statement on Wednesday saying that whatever Mr. Pohanka's reasons for leaving the party they did not intend to exploit the situation. "The Civic Democrats have no intention of forming a government which would have to rely on one turncoat" the party's deputy chairman Petr Necas told the media.