• 12/20/2006

    The remains of around 4,000 WWII German soldiers are to be finally laid to rest in a new cemetery in the town of Hlucin, North Moravia. Local authorities reached the decision on Tuesday. At the moment the remains have been stored at a Czech military site in Central Bohemia. The remains of German soldiers from World War II were only recently rediscovered in storage at a factory site in Bohemia earlier this year. In the 1990s a German association for the care of war graves began exhuming bodies of the soldiers to be reburied at a Prague cemetery, but the project collapsed after running out of funds.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 12/20/2006

    A preliminary investigation by the Swedish military has concluded that the Czech pilot of a Czech-leased Gripen fighter jet was probably not at fault in an incident in mid-October in Sweden, in which another plane was almost shot down. The fighter jet mistakenly fired not at a mid-air target but at its tow aircraft, manned by a three-member crew. Luckily, no one was hurt. According to the preliminary investigation by Swedish authorities the accident was not the Czech pilot's fault but the result of a combination of errors in preparation for the test. The Swedes will continue their enquiry into the case in order to prevent such an accident from happening again.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 12/20/2006

    The Senate has decided not to support a deputies' draft amendment to the law on social services defining the role and obligations of intervention centres for victims of domestic violence. Such centres are to be established in all fourteen regions of the Czech Republic as of January. The Senate pointed out that the intervention centres could start operating without special legislation in place and returned the bill to the lower house with modifications. Under the bill that was passed by the Chamber of Deputies earlier this month, police officers would be able to expel perpetrators of domestic violence from their homes for ten days. Officers would then also report the expulsion to intervention centres whose employees would connect the victims within 48 hours and offer them psychological as well as legal help.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 12/20/2006

    Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech has begun recruiting future employees for its car plant in eastern Moravia. Construction on the automobile plant is to begin next year and the facility itself is expected to be operational by 2009. Over the next two years just under 3,000 people are expected to be hired. At a press conference on Wednesday the company's director Jaromir Radkovsky said that the plant would hire mostly from areas in Moravia and Silesia. But, he stressed that people returning to the region with experience from elsewhere would be welcomed. The plant is cooperating with the local employment bureau as well as a number of recruitment firms. The management has suggested salaries and benefits at the new plant will be comparable to those offered by other car manufacturers in the Czech Republic.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 12/20/2006

    A World Cup event - Nordic skiing - traditionally held at this time of year at Nove Mesto na Morave (Moravia) has been cancelled because of warm weather and lack of snow. The event was to be held next week. The decision to cancel the race was taken on Wednesday morning by organisers together with the head of the International Ski Federation's cross-country section Jorg Capol. An alternative site is reportedly being considered in the Krkonose (Giant) Mountains in northern Bohemia.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 12/19/2006

    Social Democrat chairman Jiri Paroubek has admitted his party might be in opposition. Speaking on Czech Radio on Tuesday, Mr Paroubek said he no longer counted on the vote of MP Milos Melcak who has left the Social Democrat parliamentary party. Upon leaving, Mr Melcak did not rule out he might vote for a possible government of the Civic Democrats, the Christian Democrats and the Greens which would otherwise have the support of exactly half of the votes in the lower house.

  • 12/19/2006

    The Czech ombudsman Otakar Motejl, who has been re-elected to the post for a second term, has taken oath of office. Mr Motejl's first term of office expired on Monday and he will now hold the post for another six years. The role of the ombudsman - or public defender of rights - is to defend citizens from the country's bureaucrats, whether from discrimination or excessive red tape. In the past six years, Mr Motejl's office received around 30,000 complaints from the public.

  • 12/19/2006

    The upper house of the Czech Parliament, the Senate, held a special session on Tuesday to mark 10 years of its existence. Since the first session held in 1996, altogether 182 senators have been elected to the chamber. The Senate has 81 members and one third of them are replaced in elections every two years.

  • 12/19/2006

    The Prague city hall has finally decided to buy a special river boat to provide shelter to homeless people. The boat which will provide 250 beds, a canteen and sanitary facilities, will cost 23 million crowns (around a million USD) and should welcome its first guests in mid-January. The city hall is still deciding where exactly the boat should be anchored. According to estimates there are up to 6,000 homeless people in the Czech capital and only 600 beds available in shelters.

  • 12/19/2006

    Beer production in the Czech Republic has grown by four percent this year and is expected to reach 19.8 million hectolitres at the end of the year, the head of the Czech Brewers' Association, Jan Vesely, said. Exports are expected to reach 3.5 million hectolitres compared to 3.1 million last year. The annual per capita consumption of beer in the Czech Republic remains at 160 litres. According to estimates, foreign tourists consume around 12 percent of the beer sold on the Czech market.
