• 12/22/2006

    Although the president has promised to appoint the proposed cabinet it is still not clear whether it could win a confidence vote in the lower house. The right wing parties have just 100 seats in the 200-seat lower house and the new government would thus need to secure support from at least one opposition deputy. The Civic Democratic Party has indicated that it hopes to gain support from what it calls "constructive" opposition deputies who would be prepared to tolerate or support a centre right cabinet in order to bring the drawn out crisis to an end. The fact that the June general elections produced an even division of forces between left and right parties in the lower house is at the heart of the country's political problems.

  • 12/22/2006

    Social Democrat leader Jiri Paroubek said his party was willing to discuss conditions under which it would be prepared to tolerate a centre right cabinet. He said that President Klaus had brought the rival Civic Democratic Party down to earth with a bump, but that this would have happened anyway during a confidence vote in Parliament. Mr. Paroubek said that while from a constitutional angle the president's decision to reject the proposed government was controversial, he understood the practical reasons that had led him to make this decision.

  • 12/22/2006

    President Klaus on Friday signed into law the state budget for 2007. The projected deficit is 91.3 billion crowns, which may reach some 4 percent of GDP and falls short of any reforms needed to prepare for the adoption of the euro currency. The government has already said it would postpone the adoption, originally planned for 2010, to an unspecified later date. The debate over next year's state budget was overshadowed by the country's ongoing political crisis.

  • 12/22/2006

    Social Democrat leader Jiri Paroubek has criticized the state attorney's decision not to prosecute Jan Kubice, head of the organized crime squad, in connection with the leak of a classified report. The report in question was intended for the Defense and Security Committee of the lower house and suggested that organized crime had penetrated the state administration. It also contained allegations of pedophilia directed against then-prime minister Jiri Paroubek. The report was leaked to the press just days before the June general elections. Jiri Paroubek said at the time it was a pack of lies intended to damage his party ahead of the elections and filed charges of slander. He has now said he will consider further legal steps.

  • 12/21/2006

    Following his meeting with the president, Prime Minister Topolanek expressed the hope that Mr. Klaus would eventually put aside his reservations and appoint the centre right cabinet. Mr. Topolanek said the agreed on coalition government was the best way out of the crisis as it would bring about badly needed reforms in public spending, health care and the pension system. The president is under no time limit to appoint the government but political analysts say he may be bound by the Constitution to eventually accept the three party cabinet.

  • 12/21/2006

    Social Democrat leader Jiri Paroubek said his party was willing to discuss conditions under which it would be prepared to tolerate a centre right cabinet. He said that President Klaus had brought the rival Civic Democratic Party down to earth with a bump, but that this would have happened anyway during a confidence vote in Parliament. Mr. Paroubek said that while from a constitutional angle the president's decision to reject the proposed government was controversial, he understood the practical reasons that had led him to make this decision.

  • 12/21/2006

    Interior Minister Ivan Langer told Thursday's edition of the daily Pravo the planned abolition of the ministry's financial police unit does not contradict EU interests or violate the country's commitments. Mr. Langer was reacting to criticism from Czech MEP Jana Hybaskova who said the decision was a bad one and would go against an EU directive combating money laundering. Within the Interior Ministry's streamlining and cost-cutting measures members of the financial police are to be transferred to other police units next year.

  • 12/21/2006

    Police chief Vladislav Husak has been caught speeding for the second time this year, prompting calls for his resignation. Although it is actually Mr. Husak's personal driver who has repeatedly violated traffic regulations it is the police chief who is being held responsible. When it happened the first time round in July, shortly after a strict new road law went into effect, the police chief promised to suspend his own driver's license for three months and said he would donate ten thousand crowns to charity to make up for it. On this occasion, when his driver failed to stop at a railway crossing, whizzing through at 180 km per hour, Mr. Husak claimed to have been fast asleep at the time. The interior minister has been unavailable for comment but a number of senior politicians have said Mr. Husak should be fired.

  • 12/20/2006

    Negotiations on a new centre-right coalition government headed by the Civic Democrats, together with the Christian Democrats and the Green Party appear set to wrap on Thursday. That will be just hours before Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek delivers a list of proposed ministers to President Vaclav Klaus. According to Green Party leader Martin Bursik, the parties have agreed on names to head almost all eighteen ministerial posts, but a coalition agreement between the three parties will apparently not be signed before the prime minister's meeting with the president on Thursday. Nine ministerial posts are to be held by the Civic Democrats, six by the Christian Democrats, and three by the Greens.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 12/20/2006

    Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek will meet with president Vaclav Klaus on Thursday afternoon to provide the president with a list of ministers for his proposed government. Together the prime minister's Civic Democrats, the Christian Democrats and the Greens have 100 seats in the 200-member lower house, meaning that the agreed coalition will need to find additional support to win a majority in a confidence vote. Mr Topolanek indicated earlier the vote would be held in January. The Civic Democrats have stated repeatedly that they will be hoping to rely on support from what they call "constructive" MPs from within the ranks of the Social Democrats.

    Author: Jan Velinger
