• 07/25/2024

    The Czech minister of finance, Zbyněk Stanjura, said on Thursday that the government’s goal in connection with the Liberty Ostrava smelting works was to preserve its secondary output, meaning steel production, and a substantial number of jobs.

    Liberty Ostrava went into bankruptcy in June of this year.

    Mr. Stanjura, along with Industry and Trade Minister Jozef Sikela and Labour and Social Affairs Minister Marian Jurečka, held negotiations on a possible takeover of part of the smelter with representatives of the company Moravia Steel, which is interested in it, on Thursday.

    The finance minister said Liberty must undergo modernisation with regard to the decarbonisation of Czech industry.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 07/25/2024

    President Petr Pavel says he would veto a law on next year’s state budget if the government ignored its own stated priorities. The head of state made the comment in an interview with the Czech News Agency published on Thursday.

    Mr. Pavel said it was key that the budget be transparent and comprehensible. He is due to attend a cabinet session on the matter at the end of August but said he had no wish to interfere.

    This year’s state budget is predicated on a deficit of CZK 252 billion. The Finance Ministry expects to reduce the gap to CZK 235 billion next year.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 07/25/2024

    The Czech president, Petr Pavel, says that no peace talks on Ukraine can take place without Russia and China at the table. In an interview published by the Czech News Agency on Thursday, he said that China ought to take more responsibility for peace in the world on the basis of rules – not on the basis of who has the bigger army or greater economic power.

    Mr. Pavel said he welcomed the fact that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said for the first time this month that Russian officials would attend the next peace summit related to the conflict.

    The Czech head of state said war fatigue was affecting both combatants and that elections in many countries would have an influence, starting with the presidential poll in the US.

    Mr. Pavel also said that the outcome of negotiations involving Israel and the Palestinians – from which Hamas must be excluded – should be some form of statehood for the Palestinians.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 07/25/2024

    The Mayors plan to discuss a replacement for the party’s Jozef Síkela as minister for industry and trade with the rest of the government soon, leader Vít Rakušan said on Thursday. The cabinet decided on Wednesday to nominate Mr. Síkela as Czechia’s next member of the European Commission.

    Mr. Rakušan said the party had people in mind for the industry and trade portfolio and would discuss the matter with coalition partners in August.

    There has been speculation that the Mayors’ Lukáš Vlček is in line for the post, if Mr. Síkela does go to Brussels.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 07/25/2024

    President Petr Pavel has decided to display the Bohemian crown jewels every year on the occasion of Czech Statehood Day, which is celebrated on the Day of St Wenceslas, the nation’s patron saint, and falls on September 28. This year, the jewels will be exhibited from 17 to 30 September, the presidential office has informed.

    The crown jewels, one of Czechia’s most prized historical artefacts, include the Saint Wenceslas Crown, which was originally made for Charles IV’s coronation in the 14th century, the royal orb and sceptre, the coronation vestments of the kings of Bohemia, a gold reliquary cross, and the sword of St. Wenceslas.

    The crown jewels have been displayed at Prague Castle only eight times since the establishment of the independent Czech Republic. Twice under Václav Havel and Václav Klaus, four times under Miloš Zeman, and most recently last January on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the modern Czech state.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/25/2024

    The Czech government has nominated the minister of industry and trade, Jozef Síkela, for the position of Czech member of the next European Commission. The cabinet selected him unanimously at a meeting on Wednesday over two other candidates, recently elected MEP Danuše Nerudová of the Mayors party and Marcel Kolaja of the Pirates.

    According to Prime Minister Fiala, Mr. Síkela has proven his competence over the long term, and during the Czech EU Presidency, he has shown that he was capable of solving problems at the European level.

    “We are trying to achieve a portfolio that will be strong, where the Commissioner for Czechia will have real powers. We are convinced that Jozef Síkela is the right candidate who can acquire and manage such a portfolio," Mr. Fiala told reporters after the government’s meeting.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/24/2024

    Thursday should see mostly clear skies with day temperatures ranging between 22 and 27 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/24/2024

    The Czech semi-state energy group CEZ started talks with the South Korean company KHNP on the contract for the construction of two nuclear units at the Dukovany power station and the document is expected to be signed by the end of March 2025, CEZ spokesman Ladislav Kriz told the Czech News Agency on Wednesday.

    Earlier this month, the Czech government decided to award a contract to build two new nuclear units at the Dukovany power station to KHNP, giving it preference over France’s EDF, in what was the largest tender in the history of the Czech state.

    The cabinet had so far approved the building of two units at Dukovany but it will also discuss an option for up to two more units at the country’s second nuclear power plant, Temelín.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/24/2024

    The heads of state of Finland, Denmark, Slovenia, Latvia, Montenegro and Serbia will attend the Globsec security conference due to take place in Prague at the end of August and the beginning of September, the organisers announced on Wednesday.

    The Slovak-based NGO Globsec, which is organising the event, announced in March that it would be moved from Bratislava to Prague, where it will take place under the patronage of President Petr Pavel. About 2,000 guests from more than 60 countries are expected to attend the conference.

    According to Globsec founder and director Robert Vass, the move of the Globsec Forum from Slovakia to Prague is an opportunity for the country to become an important platform for international dialogue and to create a strong debate between different opinions in Europe.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 07/24/2024

    Prague Airport handled 7.18 million passengers in the first half of 2024, up by 23 percent on the previous year, according to fresh data released on Wednesday. Despite the year-on-year growth, Václav Havel Airport did not equal the figures from 2019, when it handled 7.8 million people in its first six months.

    Most flights from Prague were to London, with more than 633,000 people travelling there in total. Paris came second with around 360,500 passengers, followed by Amsterdam, Milan and Rome. In terms of countries, the United Kingdom was the most popular in the first six months, followed by Italy, Spain, France and Germany.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
