• 03/19/2007

    The unions at Skoda Auto have begun what is going to be a series of over 50 informative meetings in support of their wage demands. The company says production has not been disrupted. The unions are demanding an average wage increase of 17 percent, the company is offering a 6.1-percent increase.

  • 03/19/2007

    The Ekonom weekly writes that the Communist Party has appealed against a court verdict ordering it to sell its Prague headquarters for 410 million crowns (20 million USD) to a private company. According to the weekly, the party is meanwhile seeking an out-of-court settlement with the company. The Communist Party leadership decided to sell its headquarters in 2005 but changed their minds afterwards. The company interested in the purchase filed a lawsuit and a Prague court has ruled in its favour.

  • 03/19/2007

    A German government spokesman said on Monday that NATO needs to discuss whether Iran represents a severe enough security threat to justify deployment of a US missile shield in Eastern Europe. The United States wants to deploy a radar system in the Czech Republic and interceptor missiles in Poland, a plan that has enraged Moscow and threatens to divide Europe. Washington says the system is needed to counter the threat posed by Iran.

  • 03/19/2007

    Lidove noviny reported on Monday that police formed a special intelligence unit under the last Social Democrat government, which was assigned to look for evidence that would cast doubt on the restitution claims of noble families. According to the daily, the unit was supposed to look for documents abroad that would challenge some claims for the return of properties worth billions of crowns, which were confiscated from noble families at the end of the Second World War.

    The paper writes that Czech agents were to find documents in German and Austrian archives proving that the claimants were not born with the Czech citizenship necessary to entitle them to their property. It is believed that one of the people targeted by the unit was Franz Ulrich Kinsky, who had property worth an estimated 40 billion crowns (1.9 billion US dollars) confiscated by the Czechoslovak State in 1945 when he was just nine years old.

  • 03/19/2007

    Mlada fronta Dnes wrote at the weekend that the Civic-Democrat-led cabinet wants to introduce a 15-percent flat personal income tax as of 2008 and gradually reduce corporate tax from 24 percent to 19 percent by 2010. Personal income tax currently ranges between 12 percent and 32 percent depending on one's earnings. The introduction of a flat tax would reduce tax revenue, but several papers have reported that the state may offset this by increasing VAT on selected goods such as food, medicines, nappies and books.

  • 03/18/2007

    The village of Trokavec, near the Brdy military base in central Bohemia, has held a local referendum on the issue of a possible US radar base. That could be built in the region as part of the United States' planned missile defence shield in Europe. The US has formally requested both Poland and the Czech Republic to host missile and radar bases on their territory, but public opposition remains high. In the referendum in Trokavec - a village of one hundred inhabitants - 71 people voted "against" the base while 1 person voted "for". The result is only of symbolic value. The Czech government has made clear it will seek parliamentary approval for the US request rather than hold a national referendum.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/18/2007

    In related news, the opposition indicated on Sunday that the government should take the Trokavec result seriously. Communist MP Jiri Dolejs told the CTK news agency that the result needed to be taken into account, an opinion also voiced by the Social Democrats. Government party members also reacted, including Christian Democrat MP Michaela Sojdrova, who called Trokavec residents' views "important". Green Party MP Katerina Jacques reportedly stated that it would be "good" for the Czech Republic to hold a national referendum on the issue but only once the country had "enough information".

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/18/2007

    EU officials, members of the Czech government, as well as former Czech president Vaclav Havel will attend an international conference in Prague on the history and future of the European Union on Tuesday. The event will mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, which established the original ECC, or European Economic Community. Other participants will include Czech European commissioner Vladimir Spidla and the Delegate for European Affairs Catherine Colonna, and others. The Czech government will be represented by the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Alexandr Vondra, and Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/18/2007

    Prague Mayor Pavel Bem - an avid mountaineer - is making final preparations before he and a team of fellow climbers depart for Mt. Everest next week. They leave next Saturday for Tibet. Mr Bem and five others on the team will attempt to ascend Mount Everest along its northern face, with the final ascent planned for sometime between May 5th and 15th. According to the mayor, the team will try to reach the top without relying on bottled oxygen, although members will have the gear along. During the mayor's absence, his office will be run by Deputy Mayor Rudolf Blazek.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/18/2007

    A 26-year old Czech ski alpinist (ski mountaineer) fell fifty metres in Slovakia's Tatra Mountains on Sunday, suffering serious injuries to her spine and pelvis. The skier lost her balance on a cliff edge when buffeted by strong winds. Poor weather conditions prevented rescue crews from making use of an emergency helicopter. Mountain rescue service members set out to recover the injured woman on foot. They were met by the woman's compatriots carrying her on a makeshift stretcher. She is now being treated in hospital.

    Author: Jan Velinger
