• 03/23/2007

    Interior Minister Ivan Langer has announced that police chief Vladislav Husak - who resigned today - will be replaced by deputy police chief Jan Brázda. Mr Brazda, who previously worked as the deputy director of the west Bohemian police administration, will take up his new post on April 1st. He has been the deputy head of the police since January 2006 and came to the attention of the general public last year when he headed the Czech police team sent to last year's football World Cup to help the competition organisers with security arrangements concerning Czech fans.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/23/2007

    The Social Democratic Party's annual congress has begun in Brno. The Social Democrats are holding their conference as an opposition party for the first time in nine years. The main items on this year's agenda include the party's modernisation and its strategy for the upcoming presidential election. Party chairman Jiri Paroubek was re-elected as the Social Democrat leader at the conference on Friday evening. He received sixty percent of the delegates' votes, a total which was significantly less than expected. Mr Paroubek was the only person standing for the post.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/23/2007

    Social Democrat leader Jiri Paroubek has said the party will adopt a constructive approach to being on the opposition benches in parliament. In an hour-long opening speech at the party's annual congress in Brno, Mr Paroubek said the Social Democrats were willing to cooperate with the new centre-right coalition government on pension, tax and health reforms as well as on reducing government bureaucracy and improving conditions for business. Nevertheless, he warned that the party could not countenance what he described as the government's "anti-social" fiscal reforms and the removal of the welfare state.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/23/2007

    Zdenek Altner, the lawyer who is suing the Social Democrats for over 19 billion crowns in unpaid fees, has excused himself from giving evidence in a scheduled hearing as part of an investigation into corruption and bribery allegations surrounding the Czech government's agreement to buy Swedish Gripen fighter jets five years ago. Mr Altner declined to attend the hearing because he wanted a legal representative present during questioning and could not engage one in time. He now has to arrange a hearing on an alternative date. The lawyer says it is nonsensical that he should be implicated in the matter and thinks the police only want to question him because - as the then governing Social Democrats' lawyer - he had had some dealings with officials who are now being investigated in connection with the Gripen case.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/23/2007

    Germany, which currently holds the EU presidency, has won the consent of all twenty seven EU member states for the text of its so-called Declaration of Berlin, which is intended to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Treaty of Rome - the document that paved the way for the establishment of the European Union. Despite initial reservations, the Czech Republic agreed to the Berlin declaration after German chancellor Angela Merkel telephoned Czech president Vaclav Klaus and prime minister Mirek Topolanek. A spokesman for the government said that it had seen the text of the document and believed it was purely symbolic in nature. He also added that the declaration makes no reference to the controversial European constitution. Mr Topolanek had earlier criticised the fact that the Czech Republic only received the text shortly before it was due to be ratified.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/23/2007

    According to a new poll, three out of every four Czechs doubt whether their country can attain the same standard of living enjoyed in western European countries within ten years. The survey conducted by the STEM research agency found that forty three percent of respondents don't believe the Czech Republic will reach Western living standards in less than 10 years. A further thirty one percent think the country will never reach these standards. This is a sharp increase from the seventeen percent recorded by STEM in a similar poll conducted in 2003.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/23/2007

    The Billa and Julius Meinl supermarket chains have been hit with a record fine by the Czech Office for the Protection of Economic Competition. The retail giants have been ordered to pay a combined total of 43.35 million Czech crowns or just over two million dollars for agreeing to adopt a common approach to their suppliers in order to keep prices down. The decision has prompted calls from suppliers' organisations for even tougher laws to be introduced to prevent large retailers in the Czech Republic from abusing their economic power to put unfair pressure on suppliers to reduce costs.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/23/2007

    Czech and Austrian police have arrested a gang of suspected weapons smugglers. The twelve member gang (consisting of nine Austrians and three Czechs) based near the Moravian town of Znojmo are thought to have been making decommissioned machine guns usable again for sale on the Austrian market. Police have also recovered 24 machine guns and 55 other firearms in the operation along with some silencers and ammunition. If found guilty, the men could face three to ten years in prison.

    Author: Coilin O'Connor
  • 03/22/2007

    The Social Democrats have launched a campaign that accuses the Civic Democratic Party of having made false promises ahead of last year's general elections. With new billboards and ads, the party says the Civic Democrats - the senior partners in the governing coalition - tricked and deceived citizens. Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, for example, is accused of only lowering taxes for the wealthy; Labour and Social Affairs Minister Petr Necas is criticised for lowering parental benefits; and Health Minister Tomas Julinek is attacked for making children and pensioners pay for visits to the doctor. The main motto of the Social Democrats' campaign is: "The government is working against you."

    Author: Dita Asiedu
  • 03/22/2007

    Czech Police chief Vladislav Husak says accusations against him are so serious that he will either be dismissed or will resign himself. Mr Husak is accused of having warned key suspects in a number of corruption cases ahead of their planned arrest and leaked sensitive information to a Russian agent. He has rejected the allegations.

    Interior Minister Ivan Langer is seriously considering Mr Husak's dismissal. Speaking on radio Impuls on Thursday, he said the problem surrounding the head of the police is affecting the entire force. Mr Langer will discuss the situation with Mr Husak on Friday.

    Author: Dita Asiedu
