• 12/18/2022

    Former Czech foreign minister Karel Schwarzenberg says he expects Russia to fall apart as a result of its war against Ukraine and a continuing decolonisation process. Speaking in an interview in an Austrian newspaper on Sunday, the ex-politician and aristocrat, who was 85 last week, said that a large part of the Russian Federation would become independent.

    Mr. Schwarzenberg made a comparison with Germany, which he said had only been cured of its imperialism after defeat in WWII. Every imperial power must experience defeat before it can return to normal thinking, he said.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/18/2022

    Police in the capital shot a man while attempting to arrest him over the stabbing of two women in a street in Prague 4 on Saturday evening. He died on the spot, a police spokesperson said. Attempts were made to save the man’s life but the injuries were too serious, a spokesperson for the Prague rescue services told the Czech News Agency.

    One of the man’s victims was left in a very serious condition by the stabbing. The other had minor injuries.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/18/2022

    Lawyers for ex-PM Andrej Babiš will put forward new legal opinions in his corruption trial, which is due to resume on Monday, the news website Novinky.cz reported on Sunday.

    Mr. Babiš and an associate are accused of wrongfully acquiring CZK 50 million in EU grants for the Stork’s Nest conference centre near Prague.

    His lawyers have commissioned new opinions from the field of economics that define competitive products and services, Novinky.cz said.

    Mr. Babiš is accused of fraudulently presenting the Stork’s Nest as a small or medium-sized business when in fact it was bigger.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/17/2022

    Some 28 percent of Czech households can only afford basic foodstuffs, suggests a study by the company KRUK, which administers debt claims for financial institutions and corporate clients, cited by the Czech News Agency.

    Over half of families are only able to pay for discounted foods, the report states. Rising prices led to nearly one-fifth of Czech households switching to inferior foods and around 15 percent have changed their diets to save money, it says.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/17/2022

    The Czech minister of defence, Jana Černochová, and the chief of the General Staff, Karel Řehka, visited Czech soldiers serving in a mission on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on Friday. They honoured Czech soldier Michaela Tichá, who died in a helicopter crash two years ago, at the Czechs’ base in Sharm el-Sheikh.

    Details of the visit were only released by the Czech Ministry of Defence on Saturday afternoon.

    The Czech Army has an air unit in Sinai tasked with monitoring the situation in the area with CASA aircraft in conjunction with international observers and ensuring the transport of people and material for the Multinational Force and Observers peacekeeping mission.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/17/2022

    Some 27.6 percent of researchers in Czechia in 2020 were women. This represents a slight rise on previous years but the representation of women is still lower in this country than among EU states.

    The findings come from a monitoring report on the representation of women in science and research for 2020 published by the National Contact Center for Gender and Science at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and cited by the Czech News Agency on Saturday.

    The study found the biggest decline in the representation of women among scientists in Czechia occurs in the phase between the completion of doctoral studies and the start of research. The share of women in leading positions in science and research is not rising.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/17/2022

    The Czech prime minister, Petr Fiala, will make a New Year’s address to the nation on the evening of January 1, the Czech News Agency reported on Saturday. The speech will go out at 8 pm on TV stations and Czech Radio.

    The speaker of the Senate, Miloš Vystrčil, will also deliver a New Year’s address, while the president, Miloš Zeman, will give his final festive season talk to the country on St. Stephen’s Day.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/17/2022

    Czech Scouts are set to deliver the so-called Light of Bethlehem around the country by rail on Saturday. The light takes the form of candles that were lit from other candles, all the way back to one that was recently transported from Bethlehem to Austria.

    Scouts and volunteers will carry the light from Czech train stations to places that cannot be reached by rail. The light is a modern Christmas tradition that began in Austria in the 1980s.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/17/2022

    ANO’s Karel Havlíček has defended the performance of party leader and presidential candidate Andrej Babiš on a TV Prima show in which school children pose general knowledge questions to visitors.

    Mr. Havlíček told the news site Seznam Zprávy that the students had posed “trick questions” in the programme To the Blackboard!, a clip from which has gone viral.

    Among the things the ANO chief did not know was the name of the best-known work by writer Jaroslav Hašek (The Good Soldier Švejk). He was also unaware of the slogan above the stage at the National Theatre in Prague (Národ Sobě/The Nation Together).

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 12/17/2022

    It should be mainly overcast in Czechia on Sunday, with an average high temperature of -7 degrees Celsius. Temperatures are expected to rise gradually on the following days.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
