• 07/31/2024

    Thursday should be partly cloudy with scattered showers and heat storms in the afternoon hours. Day temperatures should range between 24 and 29 degrees Celsius, possibly as high as 32 degrees in Moravia.

  • 07/31/2024

    Czechia will receive 14 Leopard 2A4 tanks and one Büffel 3 recovery tank on a Leopard 2A4 chassis as a gift from Germany, the ctk news agency reported on Wednesday, citing Czech Defense Ministry sources. The tanks are being donated as compensation for Czech supplies of military equipment sent to Ukraine. The first deliveries of tanks should arrive in the Czech Republic by the end of this year, the rest by 2026.

    Germany donated 14 Leopard 2A4 tanks and one recovery vehicle to the Czech Republic in 2022 and 2023 in return for its support for Ukraine.

  • 07/31/2024

    Countess Diana Phipps Sternberg, a member of the old Czech nobility, has died in Vienna at the age of 88. The Committee of Goodwill - Olga Havel Foundation, which she actively supported for many years, paid tribute to her memory, saying she had been the driving force behind many of its charity projects.

    Diana Sternberg was 12 years old when her family fled from communist Czechoslovakia. She lived in various corners of the world and became a renowned interior designer. After returning to her homeland in 1990 she worked at the Office of the President under Václav Havel, where she chiefly focused on the interiors at Prague Castle and Lány Chateau, as well as founding the Committee of Goodwill with Olga Havlová.

  • 07/31/2024

    Meteorologists have issued a heatwave warning for most of the Czech Republic on Wednesday, particularly Prague and Central Bohemia. Temperatures in the afternoon hours may reach 34 degrees Celsius. People have been warned to stay out of the sun as much as possible, avoid physical exertion  and increase their intake of liquids. The warning is in place from midday until 8pm on Wednesday.

  • 07/31/2024

    The South Bohemia Region will launch an online medical emergency service for both children and adults that will be available 24 hours a day, starting on August 1, the governor’s office announced on its website. South Bohemia is the first region in the Czech Republic to offer this service, in response to growing complaints about a lack of general practitioners outside of the big cities. Due to a shortage of GPs in smaller towns and villages it is proving increasingly difficult to maintain emergency services in many areas. The online emergency service will be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, free of charge. The costs, amounting to around 14 million crowns a year, will be covered by the region.

  • 07/31/2024

    The Digital and Information Agency (DIA) has released an upgraded version of the eDocuments mobile app, which serves as an electronic version of the ID card. The original app sent more information about users than was necessary to a central server, storing information about their movements and whereabouts. This is no longer possible with the new version. The new app is available in App Store and Google Play. The app was launched earlier this year and close to half a million people have already downloaded it.

  • 07/31/2024

    Czech Barbora Krejčíková has reached tennis singles quarter-finals at the Olympics for the first time. The recent Wimbledon winner, who is 28, beat Elina Svitolina of Ukraine 7-6 2-6 6-4 in Paris to make the last eight. Her next opponent will be Anna Karolína Schmiedlová of Slovakia.

    After that match on Tuesday Krejčíková also progressed in the doubles at Roland Garros. She and partner Kateřinou Siniaková, who took gold in Tokyo three years ago, overcame a Taiwanese pair 6-4 6-0.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 07/31/2024

    The Czech Ministry of Defence is having to loosen its demands regarding state of health in order to keep army recruitment levels up, Novinky.cz reported. While seven years ago perfect health was required, the General Staff of the Army has now twice revised downwards its standards in that regard, the news site said.

    Under a new Ministry of Defence edict, which comes into effect in September, it will be possible for those with obesity, HIV, diabetes or high blood pressure to be accepted as new recruits. The easing primarily concerns non-combat professions, where the army has a shortage of personnel.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 07/30/2024

    It should be mainly overcast in Czechia on Wednesday, with an average high temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. Cooler temperatures are expected toward the end of the week.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 07/30/2024

    The Czech police’s internal affairs unit, known by the Czech acronym GIBS, has proposed that one male and one female police officer from Prague be charged over a brutal attack on several girls outside a nightclub in the city’s Smíchov district. The incident took place in February of this year.

    A member of a police patrol called to the incident is also now being investigated for failing to take action against the attack, the news site iRozhlas.cz reported.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
