• 05/22/2023

    Tuesday should be partly cloudy to overcast with rain around the country, storms in places and day temperatures between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius.

  • 05/22/2023

    Meteorologists have issued a storm and high wind warning for Tuesday. The warning of torrential rain, hailstones and high winds pertains to Southern Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia between midday and 8pm. There is a risk of small streams overflowing and underpasses and cellars flooding.

  • 05/22/2023

    Interest in air travel among Czechs is the highest in three years, ticket sellers told the ctk news agency. Compared to last year, sales are up by 10 to 50 percent, depending on the seller. Sales are growing despite the rising price of air tickets, the ctk news agency says. For instance, Student Agency is seeing a 40 percent increase in sales compared to last year. The most popular destinations for Czech holidaymakers are Rome, Barcelona, London, Paris and New York.

  • 05/22/2023

    Lawmakers want to end the practice of parents selecting a primary or nursery school for their child based on its quality or location on the grounds that this presents a serious problem for some municipalities who are often unable to meet the needs of children living in the given locality. The practice, dubbed "school tourism“ has become widespread in recent years and has even led to parents paying to register their child as a permanent resident in a different locality from their real home. As a result some schools are unable to enroll all applicants from a given locality and some have even resorted to a lottery to prevent complains and conflicts.

  • 05/22/2023

    The Supreme Audit Office has criticized the Ministry of Regional Development for allegedly distributing state and EU funds intended to increase preparedness to deal with natural disasters without properly ascertaining the needs of firefighters, police and rescue workers in the individual regions. The report concerns European Union and state budget funds earmarked for disaster management between 2018 and 2022. Auditors also criticized subsequent monitoring of how the subsidies had been spent.

  • 05/22/2023

    The head of the Czech lower house of Parliament, Markéta Pekarová Adamová, is leading a delegation of MPs and business leaders to the United States. In the course of the next five days she is scheduled to meet with members of the US Congress and Friends of the Czech Republic group. The talks are expected to focus on continued aid to Ukraine and promoting business opportunities for Czech companies in the US.

  • 05/22/2023

    The Swiss national team beat Czechia 4:2 in the sixth round match of the group stage of the 2023 Ice Hockey World Championship in Riga on Sunday. The win means the Swiss will finish in first place of Group B, while Czechia stays in second place, five points behind, with a 4-0-1-1 record. The Czech team will conclude their group stage against Canada on Tuesday.

  • 05/21/2023

    Monday should be mostly dry and sunny with day temperatures between 22 and 27 degrees Celsius.

  • 05/21/2023

    Politicians, war veterans, church dignitaries, diplomats and members of the public gathered at the National Cemetery in Terezín on Sunday for a commemorative ceermony to the victims of the Holocaust. Speaking at the ceremony held on the 78th anniversary of the Terezín concentration camp's liberation, President Pavel said this terrible historic experience should serve as a memento for the democratic world not to repeat past mistakes. We must not wane in our support of Ukraine despite mounting economic difficulties and growing war fatigue, the president said.

    Since the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine representatives of Russia and Belarus have not been invited to the commemorative event.

    The 200-year-old fortress town of Terezín was transformed by the Nazis into a camp where Jews from across Europe were massed until they could be transported to extermination camps. Over 150,000 prisoners entered its gates. 35,000 died there of stress, hunger and atrocious living conditions.

  • 05/21/2023

    Saturday was the hottest day of the year so far, with 20 stations recording temperatures of over 25 degrees Celsius, the Czech Hydro-Meteorological Office reported. The warmest temperature was in Tuhan in the Melnik region, where meteorologists recorded a temperature of 27.1 degrees Celsius. However temperatures in Czechia have been below average for this time of year and no records were broken.
