President Pavel urges democratic world to continue supporting Ukraine

Politicians, war veterans, church dignitaries, diplomats and members of the public gathered at the National Cemetery in Terezín on Sunday for a commemorative ceermony to the victims of the Holocaust. Speaking at the ceremony held on the 78th anniversary of the Terezín concentration camp's liberation, President Pavel said this terrible historic experience should serve as a memento for the democratic world not to repeat past mistakes. We must not wane in our support of Ukraine despite mounting economic difficulties and growing war fatigue, the president said.

Since the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine representatives of Russia and Belarus have not been invited to the commemorative event.

The 200-year-old fortress town of Terezín was transformed by the Nazis into a camp where Jews from across Europe were massed until they could be transported to extermination camps. Over 150,000 prisoners entered its gates. 35,000 died there of stress, hunger and atrocious living conditions.