• 03/16/2024

    More than 1,600 Russian citizens who are working or studying in Czechia came to cast their ballot in the Russian presidential elections at the Russian Embassy in Prague on Friday, the Czech Press Agency reported, citing the embassy’s reports on social media. Presidential elections are being held in Russia from Friday to Sunday, while in the Czech Republic Russian citizens could only vote on Friday from 8am to 8pm, with long queues forming outside the embassy. The results of the vote will be officially announced on Monday.

  • 03/15/2024

    Former president Miloš Zeman who underwent surgery at Prague’s Motol Hospital this week due to a blood clot in his leg, is in a serious but stable condition, a spokesperson for the hospital reported. She confirmed that the problem was related to Mr. Zeman’s diabetes and said it was not clear for how long he would have to remain hospitalized. Miloš Zeman (79) is a leading Czech political figure. He headed several Czech governments and served as president from 2013 to 2023.

  • 03/15/2024

    Saturday should be cloudy to overcast with rain around the country and day temperatures between 12 and 16 degrees Celsius.

  • 03/15/2024

    The Eva Pavlova Foundation has unveiled a commemorative certificate issued in the form of a 10, 000 000 crown banknote to mark the one-year anniversary of the inauguration of President Petr Pavel. The commemorative banknote was issued by the State Printing House in five series of two thousand pieces. It will cost collectors  CZK 3,500 apiece. The proceeds will go to help children, the elderly and single mothers. The banknote can be purchased via the website  www.desetmilionusrdci.cz.

  • 03/15/2024

    The head of the Czech Chamber of Dentists, Roman Šmucler, has warned that unless there is a free alternative to amalgam fillings, the upcoming ban on amalgam will discourage lower-income groups from getting dental care. He said this could lead to a state similar to that in some countries east of Czechia, where people refuse fillings and get their teeth pulled instead. Amalgam fillings should be gradually phased out and banned as of 2026. The Ministry of Health is planning a change that would allow insurance companies to cover 40 percent of the cost of a white filling, which means that clients would still have to contribute several hundred to several thousand crowns to the cost of one filling. Šmucler says one type of filling should be completely covered by insurance.

  • 03/15/2024

    Czech farmers will join European protests against high energy costs, cheap goods from Ukraine, excessive bureaucracy and the European Union's Green Deal scheduled to take place on March 20, Martin Pýcha, chairman of the Czech Agricultural Union told the Czech Press Agency. Protest rides of tractors and other machinery will reportedly take place across the country and at several border crossings. Pýcha said the concessions made by the government in recent weeks were a move in the right direction, but will not significantly improve the situation of Czech farmers. Agriculture Minister Marek Výborný urged farmers to show consideration for citizens and not to block key transport routes.

  • 03/15/2024

    On a visit to neighbouring Saxony, President Petr Pavel on Friday met for talks with  Saxony’s Minister President Michael Kretschmer to discuss bilateral ties and cross border cooperation.

    Mr. Kretschmer said that Pavel's visit on the anniversary of the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1939 was an indication of how far the two states had come in developing trust and good relations. President Pavel said there had been good and bad chapters in Czech and German history and he was glad that the burden of the past had been removed.  "Today we can safely say that we are friends and that we understand each other," Mr. Pavel added.

    The two leaders stressed the importance of continued support for Ukraine in its defence against the Russian invasion and Kretschmer praised the Czech initiative to obtain badly-needed ammunition for Ukraine from outside the EU.

  • 03/15/2024

    The Prague Hygiene Office has confirmed that people with whooping cough need to stay in isolation until the end of their antibiotic treatment, Deník N reported on Friday. Prague Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda caused a stir this week by returning to work while still on antibiotics after catching whooping cough in early March. He only admitted this to his colleagues after several hours of meetings in an unventilated room.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 03/15/2024

    Sparta Prague lost 1:6 away against Liverpool in Thursday night's second leg of the round of 16 Europa League game, European football’s second-tier club competition. The Prague team have thus been eliminated from the tournament. The Czech title-holders had already lost the first leg 1:5 in Prague last week, so their chances of advancing to the quarter-finals were already considered to be extremely low.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 03/14/2024

    Former President Miloš Zeman was hospitalised after a medical examination on Thursday due to a blood clot which caused the blood supply to his leg to stop, the Czech News Agency reports. He then underwent surgery in Prague's Motol hospital to correct the problem. Mr. Zeman's spokesperson Jiří Ovčáček said that the health issue was related to his diabetes and that he is expected to remain in hospital for about a week. A hospital spokesperson said that doctors will be able to provide more information on Friday.

    Author: Anna Fodor
