• 04/10/2024

    In addition to whooping cough, the State Institute of Health has recorded a year-on-year increase in other infections, such as measles, legionella, scabies and diphtheria, the Czech News Agency reported on Wednesday.

    The number of various types of hepatitis or tropical disease such as dengue fever and malaria also increased year-on-year during the first three months of 2024.

    The Association of Health Insurance Companies has warned that the increase concerns even diseases against which vaccination is compulsory,

    Among the factors behind the trend is the declining immunity with increasing age, migration as well as the fact that about seven percent of the Czech population refuses to be vaccinated.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/10/2024

    Slovak writer and journalist Martin Milan Šimečka is to receive the František Kriegel Award for civic courage, handed out annually by the Charter 77 Foundation. The Czech-born journalist was selected for his longstanding advocacy of democratic principles and for his critical, independent journalism.

    František Kriegel, a Charter 77 signatory, was the only Czechoslovak politician who refused to sign a document “legitimising” the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. The award ceremony is due to take place in June.

    According to representatives of the Charter 77 Foundation, Mr. Šimečka found himself in opposition to the current Slovak government following Peter Pellegrini's victory in the presidential elections.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/10/2024

    Czech MPs have voted to change the definition of rape in the country’s statute books. Instead of the hitherto forcible sexual intercourse the crime will in future be defined as non-consensual intercourse. The minister of defence, Pavel Blažek, told the lower house the new understanding of rape was based on the concept of no means no.

    The bill found support from both the government parties and the opposition. It must now go before the Senate.

    The amendment passed on Wednesday will also redefine sexual interaction with children under 12 as rape or sexual assault, not as sexual abuse as at present.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/10/2024

    The Czech industrial-technology company Czechoslovak Group saw its net profit increase by 49 percent year-on-year to around CZK 5 billion in 2023, it said on Wednesday.

    Revenues rose by 71 percent to almost CZK 42 billion, with deals in the defence industry accounting for more than 70 per cent of the group’s sales.

    The war in Ukraine has contributed to the jump in Czechoslovak Group’s turnover, a pattern also seen in some other major players in the Czech defence industry sector.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/09/2024

    Seven people, including children, were injured when a car ran into them outside a supermarket in the town of Police nad Metují, East Bohemia just before 4 pm on Tuesday afternoon. One of the children hurt in the incident was taken to hospital by helicopter but none of the victims had life-threatening injuries.

    The police are investigating the matter but say the driver of the car passed a breathalyser test.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/09/2024

    It should be mainly overcast in Czechia on Wednesday, with an average high temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures are expected on the following days.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/09/2024

    Officers from the police’s organised crime squad raided two city authority buildings in Liberec, north Bohemia on Tuesday. The mayor of Liberec, Jaroslav Zámečník, confirmed that the operation had taken place but refused to offer any reasons for it.

    The news site Deník N said that eight people were suspected of criminal activity, while the Czech News Agency said it had information that two deputy mayors, from the Civic Democrats and ANO, were implicated.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/09/2024

    ANO would now come first in Czechia’s elections to the European Parliament with 27.5 percent of the vote, suggests a new poll published by the STEM/MARK agency on Tuesday. The Together alliance of the Civic Democrats, TOP 09 and the Christian Democrats would come second on 20 percent, the survey indicates.

    The Mayors and Freedom and Direct Democracy would be tied in third on 10.4 percent, ahead of the Pirate Party on 10 percent.

    STEM/MARK said turnout was expected to be relatively low for the vote, which takes place at the end of the first week in June.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/09/2024

    The leadership of the Christian Democrats have distanced themselves from the statements of one-time chairman Cyril Svoboda. The party’s top brass said he had harmed its image and should consider quitting.

    After a meeting of the party executive on Tuesday the current chair of the Christian Democrats, Marian Jurečka, said the subject would be discussed further by the broader leadership.

    Mr. Svoboda has come in for criticism for giving interviews to the Czech-based website Voice of Europe, which was found to be a front for a Russian influence network that is also accused of giving cash to European politicians.

    The Christian Democrats’ minister for the environment, Petr Hladík, has called for Mr. Svoboda to be expelled from the party over the matter.

    Mr. Jurečka told iDnes.cz that Mr. Svoboda had frequently expressed views that defended the actions of the Russian regime.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/09/2024

    Prague Zoo has become the first such institution in the world to breed a Pel’s fishing owl. The chick hatched at the beginning of the year and was later thrown out of the nest by the mother, before breeders at the zoo saved it, a spokesperson said. The bird was initially reluctant to feed and saw weight fluctuations. However, it is now thriving.

    The Pel’s fishing owl lives near rivers and lakes in Africa and feeds nocturnally on fish and frogs that it snatches from the water.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
