Christian Democrats say ex-chair interviewed by Russian site should consider future

The leadership of the Christian Democrats have distanced themselves from the statements of one-time chairman Cyril Svoboda. The party’s top brass said he had harmed its image and should consider quitting.

After a meeting of the party executive on Tuesday the current chair of the Christian Democrats, Marian Jurečka, said the subject would be discussed further by the broader leadership.

Mr. Svoboda has come in for criticism for giving interviews to the Czech-based website Voice of Europe, which was found to be a front for a Russian influence network that is also accused of giving cash to European politicians.

The Christian Democrats’ minister for the environment, Petr Hladík, has called for Mr. Svoboda to be expelled from the party over the matter.

Mr. Jurečka told that Mr. Svoboda had frequently expressed views that defended the actions of the Russian regime.

Author: Ian Willoughby