• 04/07/2022

    The Czech government has approved the lowering of excise duties on petrol and diesel by 1.50  CZK a litre, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said at a news conference on Wednesday evening. At present the tax on petrol is CZK 12.84 a litre and the tax on diesel is CZK 9.95 a litre.

    The new measure will be in place from the start of June to the end of September. Transport companies have been pushing for a reduction for some time.

    Ministers say they are also seriously considering a cap on the margins of companies selling petrol and diesel.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/07/2022

    The government plans to approve a strategy for dealing with a wave of migrants from Ukraine next Wednesday and to present it to the lower house the following day, the minister of the interior, Vít Rakušan, said after a government meeting.

    The white paper, which focuses on 13 areas linked to the influx of Ukrainian refugees, has been submitted to minsters and an expert group for feedback.

    Mr. Rakušan said most focus was being placed on a plan to deal with between 250,000 and 300,000 new arrivals. A plan to handle as many as half a million refugees is also being prepared.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/06/2022

    The Czech Constitutional Court has rejected a bid to change the way DNA tests are taken from suspects and prisoners and then stored. However, in a verdict delivered on Wednesday judges said the relevant section of the Law on the Police was in danger of being overused and should be employed with restraint.

    The ruling also included a recommendation that a new law be adopted, taking into account the country’s international obligations, the needs of investigators and the rights of individuals with regards to DNA databases.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/06/2022

    The Chamber of Deputies has officially recognised the man-made famine in Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 as genocide against the Ukrainian nation. In a resolution passed on Wednesday MPs strongly condemned this crime and expressed sympathy for the victim’s families.

    The resolution states that in the context of the current Russian war on Ukraine the Czech lower house expresses its determination to contribute to the promotion of international principles, including identifying the perpetrators of such crimes.

    The resolution was submitted by speaker Markéta Pekarová Adamová and the head of the Security Committee Pavel Žáček.

    Millions of people died of starvation in the Holodomor in Ukraine.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/06/2022

    Some 6,708 new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the Czech Republic on Tuesday, a fall of around one-quarter on the same day last week. The number of suspected reinfections, 1,253, was also down on the previous Tuesday. The number of tests being conducted has also been falling.

    The seven-day case incidence dropped to 349 per 100,000 on Tuesday.

    Daily figures have been falling in the country since around the start of February.

    There are 1,656 patients with the coronavirus in Czech hospitals. A week ago there were over 2,000.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/06/2022

    Czech MPs look set to approve a tax bill that would provide deductions for helping Ukraine during a third reading on Friday. The legislation, which was discussed in the lower house on Wednesday, should make it possible to deduct donations made directly to Ukraine in support of its defence efforts and to NGOs in the country.

    The minister of finance, Zbyněk Stanjura, said that conditions for tax deductions were being expanded in response to Russian president Putin’s war on Ukraine.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/06/2022

    It should be mainly overcast in the Czech Republic on Thursday, with an average high temperature of 14 degrees Celsius. Temperatures are expected to fall on the following days.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/06/2022

    The pardon that President Miloš Zeman recently gave Miloš Balák, a forestry official working under the Office of the President found guilty of large-scale fraud, was not acceptable, the Senate said on Wednesday. The upper house approved a resolution to that effect submitted by the Christian Democrats.

    However, senators did not call on Mr. Zeman to resign over the matter, as Civic Democrat and TOP 09 legislators had pushed for.

    The upper house called on the head of state to act in accordance with constitutional order for the remainder of his term.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/06/2022

    February saw Czech industry decline by 0.3 percent year-on-year, according to data published by the Czech Statistics Agency on Wednesday. The Czech manufacturing sector is primarily being affected by problems in the car sector as well as issues in other parts of the economy.

    The contraction comes after a period of growth in January, which saw industry rise in year-on-year terms by 1.2 percent. In month-on-month terms industry therefore contracted by 2.4 percent in February.

  • 04/06/2022

    The Chamber of Deputies voted on Tuesday to condemn the murders that have taken place in Bucha and in several other Ukrainian cities, and were allegedly committed by Russian forces, as a war crime according to international law. Tuesday’s vote means that the Czech Republic could take part in preparations for an international court tribunal for war crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine.

    “The Russian Federation has committed a crime of aggression against Ukraine, has started a large-scale and unprovoked war in Europe, is trying to destroy the rules based international order, is attacking freedom, liberal democracy, as well as the respect for each individual’s human and civil rights,” the resolution states. Deputies also voted in favour of measures that will make the Czech Republic, and the EU as a whole, less dependent on Russian resources.
