• 04/18/2022

    Czechs are celebrating Easter Monday properly for the first time in two years, after the lifting of most coronavirus restrictions, the ctk news agency reported. The day is linked to numerous folk customs celebrating the arrival of spring. Particularly in the countryside the boys go from door to door to give girls the traditional Easter whipping and receive painted eggs, sweets or a shot of brandy in return. This involves a lot of socializing between neighbours which was banned during the pandemic. Last Easter  people were not even allowed to cross the borders of their district without a serious reason. People are making up for the break this year and traffic police are out in force, on the lookout for drink-driving offenders.

  • 04/18/2022

    The Czech Education Ministry is scrambling to resolve a pending capacity crisis at Czech schools and kindergartens following the admission of some 3,000 refugees from Ukraine. If all refugee children due to start kindergarten wanted to enroll as of September 1, Prague would lack 2,300 places in its pre-school institutions, the ministry said. On the other hand there would be vacancies in Ostrava and Třinec, which have the largest capacities. According to a study by PAQ Research, there are 2,818 vacancies in kindergartens across the Czech Republic, but the capacities are very unevenly spread out.  In primary schools, there would be an overhang of 61,000 places nationwide from September, but in Prague there would be a shortage of around 3,000 places, the study said.

  • 04/18/2022

    The Czech Republic may decide to take a more vigorous course of action in claiming compensation from Russia for the 2014 explosions at a munitions depot in in Vrbětice, Moravia, Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský told Czech Television. He did not elaborate what such steps might involve. It is now exactly one year since the country’s intelligence services concluded that the explosions which killed two people and caused over a billion crowns in damages were caused by Russian agents. Eighteen Russian diplomats were expelled from the country in the wake of the revelation and Czech-Russian relations have been at freezing point since. Russia has consistently denied the claim that its agents were involved in the blasts.

  • 04/18/2022

    The government is planning systemic changes aimed at strengthening the state’s food reserves in the event of a crisis, Czech Television reported, citing government officials. According to the national broadcaster, at present the Czech Republic has only 1.5 days' supply of meat in state warehouses. In future, it should have enough for at least 15 days. While meat is now stored frozen, the government wants to negotiate with farmers to reserve live animals which could be culled in the event of a crisis. "The state would pay farmers a reservation fee for part of their herd and the actual purchase would only take place when the state need these stocks,"  Pavel Švagr, head of the State Material Reserves Administration told Czech Television. On the other hand, the state has more than forty days' worth of cereals in the state material reserves, long enough to tide the country over until the next harvest.

  • 04/17/2022

    Monday should be partly cloudy to overcast with day temperatures between 9 and 13 degrees Celsius.

  • 04/17/2022

    The Czech government is preparing a strategy to secure energy supplies for the next heating season, Helena Horská, economic advisor to the prime minister, told CNN Prima on Sunday. She said it was essential to prepare for a disruption of supplies from Russia since Russian President Vladimir Putin was likely to use it as a weapon in the war he is waging against Ukraine. We need to prepare for a worst-case scenario when gas stops flowing to the Czech Republic," Horská said. She said the government’s strategy includes a regulation of gas consumption and social benefits for households at risk of poverty, which now make up 20 percent of the population.

  • 04/17/2022

    Czech diplomat Tomáš Hart, who was expelled from Russia this week, was contacted by the Russian secret service with an offer of cooperation, the websites Respekt.cz and Deník N reported, citing the diplomat himself. The Russian secret service reportedly also tried to intimidate another Czech diplomat, telling her they knew details of her private life and unless she cooperated she would be expelled from Russia.

    Diplomatic relations between the Czech Republic and Russia have been strained for some time. Last spring, the Czech Republic expelled 18 Russian embassy staff following revelations by the intelligence services that GRU agents were behind the 2014 munitions explosions in the Vrbětice munitions depot in the Zlín region, in Moravia.

  • 04/17/2022

    Czech breweries are increasing beer prices due to the growing cost of energy, packaging and raw materials. Budvar has increased the price of cask beer by about three percent since January and is not ruling out a further increase in the coming months. Plzeňský Prazdroj, the largest Czech brewery, has just increased the price of a pint of draught beer by one crown for all its brands - Pilsner Urquell, Radegast, Gambrinus, Velkopopovický Kozel and Birell. The Pivovary CZ Group, which incorporates the Zubr, Holba and Litovel breweries, will also raise the price of a pint of draught beer by one crown next week.

  • 04/17/2022

    Coronavirus numbers have been going down steadily in recent weeks, but data from sewage water samples indicate that the viral load among the population is roughly the same as last November, according to Jan Bartáček from the University of Chemical Technology, who is involved in the survey. Last November, there were about five times as many people in hospitals, and 20,000 newly infected people a day. Experts say the present benign situation is due to the fact that the Omicron variant, which is dominant in the Czech Republic, is accompanied by mild symptoms. People are less likely to be tested and end up in intensive care units less often.

  • 04/17/2022

    The war in Ukraine will have an impact on the issues highlighted in the Czech local elections which are just five months away. Czech Television, which conducted a survey among party leaders, said the main topics would include the refugee crisis and the availability of housing, GPs, dentists and services in individual regions.

    Local elections and elections to a third of the Senate will be held on Friday, September 23, and Saturday, September 24, 2022.
