• 04/28/2022

    The Czech Republic has now granted special visas to almost 314,600 refugees from Ukraine. Some 1,783 visas were handed out on Wednesday, around a thousand fewer than on the same day last week, according to Interior Ministry data. Most of the refugees, around 73, 400, remain in Prague.

    The temporary protection visas allow them to remain in the country for one year, give them access to health insurance, education and work. They are also entitled to further assistance, such as with accommodation.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/28/2022

    The minimum gross decent wage for a full-time job in the Czech Republic that would cover the needs of an adult with a child, as well as leisure time and small savings, should be CZK 33,909. In Prague, it should be CZK 39,974 due to higher costs.

    The sum was presented by a team of experts from the platform for a minimum decent wage at a press conference on Thursday. With such a wage, people would be able to cover the costs of food, housing, clothing, transportation, healthcare, education, and free-time activities but also be able to pay for other important expenses, including savings for unexpected circumstances.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 04/28/2022

    Cases of disinformation surrounding Russia’s war on Ukraine have been uncovered in Czech schools, the news site iRozhlas.cz reported on Thursday. The Czech Schools Inspectorate is currently investigating four cases of teachers who relativised, approved of or openly supported the invasion.

    A spokesperson told iRozhlas.cz that the inspection agency was dealing with these cases in cooperation with the principals of the schools in question.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/28/2022

    Singer-songwriter David Stypka received three posthumous prizes for his album Dýchej at the annual Anděl music awards in Prague on Wednesday night. Stypka, who died last year at the age of 41, earned the Album of the Year and Male Solo Artist gongs while Farmářům was named Song of the Year.

    Mirai were named Group of the Year for the LP Maneki Neko and Ewa Farna was Female Solo Artist with Umami. The prizes are voted on by the Czech Music Academy.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/27/2022

    If Russia cuts off gas supplies to the European Union, the Czech Republic will be unable to quickly fill the huge shortfall from other sources, the head of the Association for District Heating, Mirek Topolánek, said on Wednesday. Mr. Topolánek, a former prime minister, said the country would therefore find itself without gas, threatening heat production and supplies to households and firms.

    The Czech Republic is almost 100 percent dependent on Russian gas.

    On Wednesday Moscow cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria, causing prices to shoot up in Europe.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/27/2022

    The Czech president, Miloš Zeman, says that he fully supports Poland on the matter after Russia cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. Gazprom turned off the taps on Wednesday over the two states' refusal to pay in roubles. Mr. Zeman made the comment following a meeting on Wednesday with his Polish counterpart, Andrzej Duda, at Prague Castle.

    The Czech head of state also praised Poland’s stance in the Ukraine crisis, saying it had become an important defender of European values and opponent of Russian aggression toward Ukraine.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/27/2022

    It should be mainly sunny in the Czech Republic on Thursday, with an average high temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. The following days are expected to be overcast.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/27/2022

    The funeral of the Prague-born former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright is due to take place in Washington on Wednesday. Among those delivering eulogies will be US President Joe Biden and ex-head of state Bill Clinton, under whom Albright served between 1997 and 2001. A Czech delegation headed by Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský will also be in attendance.

    Madeleine Albright, the first woman to become secretary of state, fled Czechoslovakia with her family before settling in America. She died last month at the age of 84.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/27/2022

    Czech backing for Ukraine was among the main topics of talks between the Czech minister of foreign affairs, Jan Lipavský, and his US counterpart, Antony Blinken, in Washington on Tuesday evening. Both politicians condemned atrocities carried out by Russian troops in Ukraine in the last two months, while the US side expressed support for the positions taken by the Prague government over the conflict.

    The two foreign policy chiefs also discussed security cooperation, energy security and human rights, the US State Department said after the meeting.

    Author: Ian Willoughby
  • 04/27/2022

    The Christian Democratic Party will ask the Chamber of Deputies to label the crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine as genocide. Marek Výborný, chairman of the party’s parliamentary club, told journalists that he was preparing a draft resolution recognizing Russia's war as a "genocide against the Ukrainian people" which is to be presented to the lower house next week. The party first wants to discuss the proposal with its coalition partners in the government. Similar resolutions have been approved by the parliaments of Estonia and Latvia.
