• 02/10/2006

    A much-discussed amendment to the country's media law has passed in the Lower House. On Friday 88 of 120 MPs present voted in favour, to lay the foundations for widespread digital broadcasting. Currently, the country has four nation-wide analogue channels, two belonging to public broadcaster Czech TV, two to commercial broadcasters TV Nova and Prima. It is estimated that under the wave of digitalisation as many as 24 new channels could come into being, both for national as well as regional audiences. Some digital broadcasting began in the Czech Republic last year, not covering the whole of the country.

    All analogue broadcasters are expected to make the transition to digital between the years 2010 - 2012.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/10/2006

    The Lower House has passed a bill on injury insurance transferring compensation for work-related injuries and illnesses from commercial insurance companies to the state. Under the law, the Czech Social Security Administration will take over responsibility. At present, employers in the Czech Republic pay injury insurance fees to one of the two insurance companies authorised with the task, under the country's labour code.

    The European Union, critical of the situation, proposed two solutions - either allowing all health insurance companies to pay out compensation or to transfer the duty to the state. Some observers have criticised the bill for not being sufficiently transparent.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/10/2006

    The Lower House on Friday passed an amendment to the bill on civilian aviation that will soften the conditions for the security clearance of pilots and flight attendants. Under the law, pilots and attendants will not have to pass as demanding security vetting carried out by the National Security Office in the future. They will be vetted under more standard procedures by employers themselves. In this way MPs have reacted to demands by civilian pilots who have long sought to abolish Security Office vetting. Pilots objected to the demand of a high number of personal documents including information about their families, short and long foreign trips or contacts with persons living abroad. The NBU has already screened most of the 14,000 pilots and stewardesses who applied for clearance. If passed by the Senate and signed by the president the bill will take effect in July 2006.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/10/2006

    Heavy snowfall in the Czech Republic this week has continued to hamper conditions throughout the country. In Southern Bohemia the Czech Army has been asked to step in to help with snow clearance. South-Eastern Moravia has seen a number of accidents related to heavy snow fall. An elderly man was found dead after having fallen from a roof he had been trying to clear of snow, while another, a 53-year-old man, suffered serious injury when he was hit by a frozen block of ice sliding from a building. This week more than twenty buildings - including storage sites - in the Czech Republic collapsed under the weight of snow. Snowfall in the Czech Republic, as in other parts of Central Europe, has been unusually high.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/10/2006

    On Friday the XX Olympic Winter Games will officially open in Torino, Italy, lasting from the 10th of February until February 26th. The Czechs have an unprecedented 82 athletes competing. Medal hopefuls include the ice hockey team lead by Jaromir Jagr and Dominik Hasek, who will be attempting a gold-medal run similar to the Czech team's success in Nagano, Japan, in 1998. Team representatives are approaching the challenge cautiously, saying that the Czech team is only one among a strong group of favourites that includes Canada, Sweden, and the United States.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 02/09/2006

    Defence Minister Karel Kuehnl said on Thursday that the military had decided to reinforce the protection of Czech soldiers in Afghanistan. The military is reacting to the outburst of violence in Muslim countries caused by the printing of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that are considered disrespectful by Muslims.

    Four dozen Czech soldiers are serving in NATO's ISAF units in Northern Afghanistan, along with Germans and Danes. Czech soldiers also serve in international missions in other regions in which Muslim populations prevail - Iraq and the south Serbian province of Kosovo but no problems have been reported.

  • 02/09/2006

    The Council of Judges of the Supreme Court has approved the Justice Ministry's request that Jaroslav Bures become a judge of the Supreme Court. Mr Bures is scheduled to be appointed judge by President Vaclav Klaus on Tuesday and so fulfil all legal conditions to be appointed chairman of the Supreme Court. The post has been vacant since Iva Brozova was dismissed by President Klaus last week. Mr Bures has been cited as a successor to Ms Brozova, but neither the president nor the Justice Ministry have confirmed it. Mr Klaus said at the beginning of the week that the new Supreme Court chairman would arise from the 30 judges whom he would appoint on February 14.

    Meanwhile, the Czech Republic's Constitutional Court has decided that Iva Brozova will remain acting chairwoman of the Supreme Court, until the Constitutional Court rules on her complaint against her dismissal.

  • 02/09/2006

    The Czech Medical Chamber has called on Health Minister David Rath to discuss easing the directive on remunerating medical care. The decree and Mr Rath's policies are opposed by a number of doctors' associations which plan to hold a large protest rally in the centre of Prague later this month. Under the minister's directive, doctors and health-care facilities will receive three percent more money for providing care than they received in the first half of 2005. However, the decree also stipulates strict limits on the use of medicines and certain treatments. If doctors and facilities exceed the limit, they will not be remunerated by health insurance companies and will face penalties.

  • 02/09/2006

    Czech expatriates who lost Czech citizenship after they left communist Czechoslovakia can still ask for its renewal. President Vaclav Klaus has signed an amendment which abolishes the five-year deadline for the applications which expired last September. Czech legislators decided to amend the law because they expected that some Czech expatriates living in more remote parts of the world may not have learnt about the possibility to apply for the renewal of Czech citizenship.

  • 02/09/2006

    The tent city which was set up in Prague on January 24 to provide overnight shelter for homeless people will by removed next Wednesday, Prague mayor Pavel Bem told reporters on Thursday. The seven army tents, equipped with wood-burning ovens and toilets, have been providing beds and food for around a hundred homeless people every night. According to estimates, there are some 4,600 homeless people in the Czech capital, while shelters only provide 900 beds. The costs of the operation of the tent city are estimated at just under a million crowns (38,000 dollars).
