• 04/28/2023

    Czechia’s struggling state-owned postal company Czech Post, recorded a loss of CZK 1.725 billion in 2022, following up on more than a billion crowns in losses the year before, according to the company’s own Friday press release. Falling revenues from service sales and postal traffic were not offset by the company’s significant downsizing efforts, which saw employee numbers fall by 2,000 to just under 23,000.

    The company is expected to announce a large-scale restructuring plan by the end of the first half of this year. This is expected to include the closing down of many of its branches as well as further downsizing. It these changes are not implemented, the company expects its losses would reach CZK 4 billion in 2023 and lead to its bankruptcy.

  • 04/28/2023

    Saturday is expected to see temperatures range around 16 degrees Celsius, with rainfall predicted across the country with the exception of Western Bohemia.

  • 04/28/2023

    One of Czechia’s most important post-war dramatists, Ivan Vyskočil died on Friday at the age of 94, the Czech News Agency reports, citing the vice-chancellor of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Jan Hančil. One of the initiators of the so-called small form theatre in Czechoslovakia, Mr Vyskočil was a well-known figure on the Czech culture scene during the 1950s and 1960s.

    He cofounded the famous Na zábradlí theatre in Prague, where he also played a leading role, working as an actor, dramatist and director. He was subsequently the artistic director at the Czech capital’s well-known Salon Reduta until falling out of favour during the normalisation period following the Prague Spring. Nevertheless, Vyskočil continued to be active in theatre and also worked as a teacher.

    In the early 1990s, he founded and subsequently led the Department of Authorial Creativity and Pedagogy at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts (DAMU). During his life, Vyskočil also wrote several theatre and radio plays.

    In 2010 he received the Thálie award for extraordinary contributions to theatre from the Czech Actors Association.

  • 04/28/2023

    Czechia’s President Petr Pavel expressed sadness during his visit to Borodianka north of Kyiv, on Friday. Mr Pavel, who is visiting Ukraine together with Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová, said that the damage to the settlement reminded him of the destroyed houses in Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia, adding that he thought he would never see something like this happen in Europe. However, he also added that he wasn’t too surprised, as “Russia has shown much inclination towards barbarism in recent years.”

    Mr Pavel also visited the nearby town of Bucha where he laid down flowers at one of the mass graves and spoke to locals, stating that the world needs to ensure no such tragedy ever happens again. He also received a medal commemorating the Bucha tragedy from the governor of the Kyiv Region, news site Deník N reports.

    Both Borodianka and Bucha were the site of internationally condemned atrocities inflicted by Russian forces during their occupation of the area in the early stages of the country’s invasion of Ukraine. Speaking in Borodianka, Czechia’s head of state said that the large number of attacks by Russia on Ukrainian civilian targets shows that this is the Kremlin’s intent rather than a case of multiple accidents. Russia is hoping to create chaos and terror among the civilian population and thus pressure the Ukrainian government towards making concessions, Mr Pavel said.

  • 04/28/2023

    Czechia’s President Petr Pavel, together with his Slovak counterpart Zuzana Čaputová, visited the Wall of Remembrance of the Fallen for Ukraine in Kyiv on Friday, laying down flowers to honour those who died defending the country from Russia’s aggression.

    Both heads of state also laid down wreaths on Kyiv’s Sophia Square in order to commemorate the so-called “Oath of the Czech squadron” (Přísaha České družiny). The oath took place on the site during the First World War, on October 11, 1914. The soldiers who took it were part of the first unit formed on the territory of Tsarist Russia to fight against the Central Powers. The date is generally considered as the beginning of the formation of the Czechoslovak Legions on the Eastern Front. These were units of Czech and Slovak soldiers whose efforts played a key role in helping eventually set up the independent Czechoslovak state.

  • 04/28/2023

    Almost half of Czechs would not want a Muslim neighbour, according to the results of a CVVM survey announced on Thursday. However, drug addicts, alcoholics, and people with criminal histories were the least popular category of neighbour, with 89 percent, 69 percent, and 64 percent of people respectively saying they wouldn't want such people living next to them.

    Some 37 percent of respondents said they would not want mentally ill people as neighbours, while people with a different skin colour and foreigners living in the Czech Republic would be unwelcome for 15 and 14 percent of respondents respectively. Gay people and smokers received a similar level of intolerance, at 11 and 10 percent.

    The Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) runs this survey every year, and says that although levels of prejudice remained relatively stable between 2003 and 2020, the numbers for most of the monitored groups decreased this year by ten percentage points or more. This year, 861 respondents over the age of 15 took part in the survey.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/28/2023

    Czech president Petr Pavel and Slovak president Zuzana Čaputová arrived in Ukraine early on Friday morning for a meeting with their Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.

    The pair travelled together by train for the state visit, arriving in the city of Nemishaieve, 38 kilometres northwest of Kyiv, shortly after another round of Russian missile attacks had been launched on a number of Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv, overnight. The airstrikes left at least five dead and several injured, the Czech News Agency reports.

    In addition to their meeting with Zelensky, Presidents Pavel and Čaputová will also visit the towns of Borodyanka and Buča, where Russian war crimes took place last spring.

    This is Mr Pavel's first trip to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion last February. The date of the visit was not announced in advance due to security concerns.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/27/2023

    Friday in the Czech Republic is expected to be overcast with a chance of rain and daytime temperatures ranging between 10 and 14 degrees Celsius. However, slightly warmer weather is expected over the weekend, with temperatures predicted to reach up to 18 degrees.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/27/2023

    The Prague Archdiocese says that its preference would be to sell Jindřišská Tower to the city government, but it is still in negotiations with the municipality about the price, Deník N reported on Thursday. Archbishop Jan Graubner said the archdiocese would like to prioritise the city, but that Prague cannot expect to get the tower for free when there are other interested parties who are willing to pay much more for it.

    The Prague Archdiocese made the decision to put the tower, which is part of the historic city centre of Prague on UNESCO's cultural and natural heritage list, up for sale in November last year. Prague City Hall is one of around 30 bidders interested in acquiring the property, which the archdiocese listed for an asking price of CZK 75 million.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/27/2023

    Temperatures in the Czech Republic could drop to as low as minus three degrees Celsius on Thursday night, especially in the northeast of the country, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute has warned. Crops, particularly potatoes and other vegetables, are at risk of frost damage. The warning applies to the eastern parts of the Hradec Králové and Pardubice regions and the entirety of the Olomouc, Zlín and Moravian-Silesian regions from 10 p.m. on Thursday to 8 a.m. on Friday.

    Despite it almost being May, parts of Czechia have experienced several nights of freezing temperatures this week. On Tuesday night, temperatures of around minus six degrees Celsius were recorded, and on Thursday morning it reached minus 7.5 degrees.

    Author: Anna Fodor
