• 08/19/2024

    Four Czech volunteers who joined the fighting in Ukraine after the Russian invasion have requested a presidential pardon for serving in foreign armed forces. While Czechia supports Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, its Penal Code considers serving in foreign armed forces without presidential consent a crime, punishable by up to five years in prison. Two of the requests for pardon were addressed by current President Petr Pavel, and two by his predecessor, Miloš Zeman. Three cases were dismissed by the police, and one was referred to the Ministry of Justice by Pavel.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has obtained new documents related to the death of former foreign minister Jan Masaryk from archives in France, the United States, and the United Kingdom. These documents, requested by Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, are currently being organized and may be made public in September. Jan Masaryk was the son of the first president of independent Czechoslovakia Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. His mysterious death on March 10, 1948, remains unresolved, with debates over whether it was suicide, murder, or an accident. The new documents could provide valuable insights into this historic case.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    The Czech government is likely to grant the Financial Administration access to information on cryptocurrency transactions. Service providers in Czechia will be required to report annual crypto transactions to the tax authorities. The law aims to curb tax evasion and create equal conditions between cryptocurrency holdings and standard financial products. The proposal also includes penalties for non-compliance, with fines up to CZK 1.5 million and potential bans on operations for non-cooperating entities. The government will discuss the proposal this week.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    In the second quarter, Czech family house prices increased by 1.5% quarter-on-quarter and 3.2% year-on-year, driven by interest in renovation projects. CSOB Bank reports that land prices rose 2.5% year-on-year due to limited supply. Apartment prices remained mostly stable, with a slight 0.6% quarterly increase but a 0.4% year-on-year decrease. Demand surged for affordable apartments and renovation projects, influenced by government subsidies. Sales of apartments grew by 23% year-on-year, with the strongest growth in the Plzeň and Liberec regions.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    Expect partly cloudy skies with isolated showers, especially in the northeast. Evening thunderstorms likely in Bohemia. Highs of 24-28°C, up to 30°C in the southeast, with light variable winds.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    The Czech Ministry of Transport plans to implement tolls on new highway sections beginning January 1, 2025. The new tolls will apply to segments of the D3, D4, D49, and D55 highways, which are expected to open in late 2024 and early 2025. This includes 19 kilometers of the D3 in South Bohemia, 40 kilometers of the D4, 18 kilometers of the D49 in the Zlín Region, and 22 kilometers of the D55. The tolls will be collected once these sections are operational and properly marked. The final decision on additional D3 segments around České Budějovice will follow a traffic impact study.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    In the first half of 2024, electricity production in the Czech Republic dropped by 5.6% year-on-year to around 36 TWh. Traditional energy sources, including nuclear and coal-fired plants, saw declines, while production from solar and wind energy increased. Solar power, particularly from small rooftop installations, grew by 28.4%. Concurrently, electricity consumption fell by 2.3%, with households reducing usage the most. Gas consumption also decreased by 7.9%, influenced by warmer weather and more efficient energy use. These trends reflect ongoing changes in energy production and consumption patterns in the country.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    Researchers from the Institute of Experimental Botany in Olomouc have discovered unique properties in sorghum pollen, a plant widely used for flour production and animal feed. In collaboration with German colleagues, the Czech scientists published a study revealing that B chromosomes in sorghum significantly influence pollen development. This results in pollen with more than three nuclei that is both viable and germinates faster. This breakthrough could aid in breeding more resilient crops, which is particularly important in the context of climate change. The research may lead to the development of plant varieties better adapted to environmental stress.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    The Czech government coalition is finalizing amendments to the presidential election law, aiming to modernize and clarify the rules. News website Echo 24 informs that key changes include limiting each parliament member to supporting only one candidate and introducing electronic petitions for collecting signatures. These reforms, supported by the Senate's constitutional committee, are intended to prevent legal ambiguities and streamline the nomination process. Additionally, the proposal addresses concerns over personal data collection in electronic petitions. If passed, the new rules will apply to the 2028 presidential election. The Senate will vote on the amendments this week.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
  • 08/19/2024

    Czech firefighters handled 878 incidents during weekend storms, with the most significant impact in the Central Bohemian Region, where they responded to 289 cases. The storms, marked by heavy rain and strong winds, caused widespread flooding, particularly on Sunday and early Monday. Firefighters mainly focused on pumping water from flooded areas and removing fallen trees from roads. Notably, they also assisted with vehicle rescues from flooded areas and monitored river levels. The storms disrupted transportation and caused significant damage, particularly in Prachatice, Rokycany, and parts of Prague.

    Author: Vít Pohanka
