• 02/29/2024

    The heads of parliament of the Visegrad Group countries, comprising Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary, agree that Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine, the head of the Czech lower house, Markéta Pekarová Adamová said after their meeting in Prague on Thursday.

    The V4 parliament heads met at the Liechtenstein Palace to discuss energy, migration policy, and Russia’s war on Ukraine. The meeting, which came two days after the V4 summit of prime ministers, was also attended by the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk.

    Ms. Pekarová Adamová also said she regretted the differences in the V4 countries’ views on the conflict as well as statements by some of the V4 leaders regarding Russia’s war on Ukraine.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 02/29/2024

    Czech President Petr Pavel, who is on a two-day official visit to Luxembourg, held talks with Grand Duke Henri and local government representatives on trade cooperation, Russia’s war on Ukraine and the Middle East. The Czech head of state, who is accompanied by his wife and a business delegation, also met with Prime Minister Luk Frieden, Speaker of the House Claude Wiseler and deputy Prime Minister Xavier Bettel.

    Later on Thursday, President Pavel and his wife will pay their respects at the national monument of Luxembourg Solidarity and lay a wreath at Jan Palach Square. They will also visit the tomb of Czech king John of Luxembourg and visit the headquarters of the SES satellite telecommunications network and the Satellite Operations Centre.

    On Friday, the Czech head of state is scheduled to meet with Czech expats living in Luxembourg.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 02/29/2024

    Belgium will support the Czech initiative to buy artillery ammunition for Ukraine from outside the European Union at a cost of 200 million euros. The deliveries could reach the country, which has been resisting Russian military aggression for over two years, by the end of March. In addition to Belgium, 15 other states have pledged to support the initiative financially, including Britain, Denmark, Canada, Sweden and the Netherlands. President Emmanuel Macron said at the Paris summit earlier this week that France will also be involved in the project.

  • 02/29/2024

    Eight European Union countries, including Czechia, are calling for sanctions on Russia's prosecutors, courts and penitentiary officials over the death earlier this month of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. A letter to the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell was signed by the foreign ministers of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Romania. Officials later said it was also supported by the Netherlands, France, Ireland and Denmark, bringing total number to 12 countries. "Mr Navalny's death is yet another sign of the accelerating and systematic repression in Russia. This calls for collective action," the foreign ministers' letter, cited by Reuters, said.

  • 02/28/2024

    The Czech lower house on Wednesday approved a bill on same-sex unions. The law should give same-sex couples the same rights as those of heterosexual married couples with the exception of adopting children. The only case in which homosexuals will be able to adopt a child is if one of them is the child’s biological parent. Due to protests from conservative lawmakers the same-sex unions will technically be called “partnerships”. The bill was approved in its third and final reading on Wednesday and will now go to the Senate for debate and will need to be signed into law by the president before coming into effect. Of the 176 MPs present, 123 voted in favour of the bill.

  • 02/28/2024

    Thursday should be partly cloudy with day temperatures between 11 and 16 degrees Celsius.

  • 02/28/2024

    The Czech lower house has returned to a debate on same-sex marriage. The proposed draft agreement has raised controversy and in a previous debate the authors of the bill expressed readiness to make a concession and to call the same-sex union a “partnership” instead of “marriage”. However, they insist that same-sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual married couples. Under the law, registered couples do not have joint property and are not entitled to a widow's or widower's pension after the loss of their partner. Registered couples are also not allowed to adopt children.

  • 02/28/2024

    European Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová has called on member states to do more to counter Russian propaganda ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections and warned against individuals in the EU who act in Moscow's interests. In this context, she mentioned, for example, the far right AfD party in Germany. Jourova told Politico that the 'We want peace' argument is a case in point. "We all want peace. But it must not be a concession. This 'we want peace' coming from the Kremlin means 'stop supporting Ukraine'," she added. Jourová is on a tour of European states to talk to the public about disinformation ahead of the June European elections.

  • 02/28/2024

    The Czech Anti-Trust Office has approved the sale of the Czech liquor company Jan Becher - Karlovarská Becherovka to the Polish group Maspex. The famous brand is being sold by Pernod Ricard, a French company that has owned it since 2001. The companies announced the transaction at the end of last year and expect it to be completed by June of this year. They have not disclosed the sale price.

  • 02/28/2024

    Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, who is on a tour of the Indo-Pacific, has held talks in Canberra and Sydney. The head of Czech diplomacy met with the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia David Hurley and the Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security Clare O'Neil. He also discussed security issues with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles.

    Mr. Lipavský also met with Czech expats at the embassy in Canberra, where he opened an exhibition of artworks by young Czech artists and spoke to representatives of the Sokol sports organization in Sydney whom he presented with gifts from the Bohemians Praha football club. Among the issues discussed were efforts to push through a postal vote in time for the next general elections and a proposed amendment to the Citizenship Act, which should simplify the process of acquiring citizenship on the grounds of Czech ancestors.
