• 04/24/2024

    The European Commission has appointed former Czech environment minister Jan Dusík as Deputy Director-General for Climate Action. The main mission of this department is to support the Commission's efforts to fight climate change both within the EU and internationally. Dusik, who has extensive professional experience in the area of climate action, is now among the highest-ranking Czech officials in the EU.

  • 04/24/2024

    The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will visit Prague on Tuesday 30 April, the ctk news agency reported citing a source from the European People’s Party. Von der Leyen ’s visit is part of her election campaign for the European People's Party and her own bid for a second term in office as President of the European Commission. In Prague she is to meet with representatives of parties running in the elections, especially from TOP 09 and the Christian Democrats which are in the EPP. Her agenda is still being finalized.

  • 04/23/2024

    The website of the Czech News Agency České Noviny was attacked by unknown hackers on Tuesday who posted two fictitious articles on the site. One of the articles claimed that the Czech counterintelligence service had prevented an assassination attempt on Slovak President Petr Pelligrini, the other carried an alleged reaction from Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský to the news. The news agency later posted a warning to readers saying neither of the texts was produced by its staff. The case is being investigated.

  • 04/23/2024

    The heads of the armed forces of the V4 member states - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic – are meeting in Liblice, central Bohemia, to discuss defense cooperation and aid to Ukraine. On the agenda are ongoing military assistance and training of Ukrainian soldiers, joint training activities of the four countries, the future of the V4 battle group known as the EUBG, cooperation in logistics within the V4 Joint Logistics Group and activities countering hybrid threats from Russia. The Czech Republic currently holds the presidency of the Visegrad Group, with Poland due to take over in July.

  • 04/23/2024

    Sub degree temperatures continue to cause problems around the country with monitoring stations reporting night time lows of -10 to – 15 degrees Celsius in some parts of the country and fresh snow in the mountain regions. Rail traffic has been disrupted these past two days by fallen trees and road traffic in the higher altitudes is complicated by fresh snow and icy roads. Farmers are concerned about the effects of the cold spell on this year’s harvest with some predicting losses of up to 40 percent.

  • 04/23/2024

    Wednesday should bring overcast skies and rain or snow showers around the country. Day temperatures should range between 7 and 11 degrees in Bohemia and 2 and 5 degrees in Moravia and Silesia.

  • 04/23/2024

    A Holocaust Memorial for Roma and Sinti opened on Tuesday at the site of a former concentration camp in Lety, south Bohemia. Over 1,300 Roma passed through the camp between 1942 and 1943 and more than 300 died there, mostly women and children. Over 500 inmates were sent to extermination camps.

    The memorial includes a place of remembrance and a visitor centre with a permanent exhibition that presents testimonies of witnesses in audiovisual form.

    The site originally served as a pig farm and it took close to three decades for post-communist governments to buy out the property and erect a dignified memorial in its place.

  • 04/23/2024

    A Prague resident has gone on a hunger strike in protest against the constant noise pollution that disturbs locals in the city centre into the early morning hours. Štěpán Kuchta who lives in Dlouhá Street in Prague's Old Town blames the local authorities for failing to address the problem of constant loud noise from pubs and restaurants, stag party visitors and so called pub-crawlers who disturb the peace into the small hours. He said the noise was driving out local residents who has lived there for decades. A proposal to limit restaurant hours was discussed at length by Prague 1 councilors last week, but failed to win approval. Kuchta went on hunger strike at midnight on Sunday and says he wants to maintain the protest for 10 days.

  • 04/23/2024

    Vratislav Mynář, who was in charge of the Office of the President during the tenure of Miloš Zeman has been charged with EU subsidy fraud. The charges were filed in connection with the reconstruction of his guesthouse in Osvětimany. Mynář's company received a CZK 5.99 million subsidy 13 years ago, but the authorities later found that it had applied for the money under false pretenses. The company returned the grant last year.

  • 04/23/2024

    The Czech Republic is seeking support among EU members for its proposal to restrict the movement of Russian diplomats in the Schengen area. At a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday, Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky said that it view of Russia’s actions such a move was warranted. The Czech Republic is proposing that Russian diplomats be granted visas and residence permits that allow movement only within the given host country and not throughout Schengen. It also wants the EU to accept only biometric passports, which are more difficult to forge.
